Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reading Strategy Review

Reading Strategies

DUE DATE/TIME: Tuesday, October 4th/11:59pm

1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment and no better than a C grade.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Capricorn Books, 1959. Print.

3.  Choose one of the reading strategies and write a well developed paragraph for your novel:

CONNECTION -  An aspect of the novel reminds you of something in the world, of yourself personally, or to another book that you have read.
PREDICTION -  A logical guess at future events in the story.

Be sure to include a QUOTE from the book to support your paragraph.

4.  You must read your classmate’s entries and make a meaningful comment on their work in order to receive an A.


Anonymous said...

Atalia R

Flake, Sharon. The Skin I'm In. New York: Jump At The Sun Hyperion Paperbacks For Children, 1998. Print.

I predict that the main character of the book Maleeka will eventually learn to love who she is and will find comfort in her skin color. I think this because right now in the book she is being made fun of and is embarrassed. Hopefully she will learn that her skin color is okay. I know she is being made fun of because on page 3 this boy John-John says " i don't see no pretty, i just see a whole lotta black ".

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Evans

The blog works so do your homework!!!

Anonymous said...

Meghan F.

Dessen, Sarah. Someone Like You. New York; Penguin Group, 2004. Ink.

My character Scarlett is going to have a baby. She keeps saying she hates being pregnant but she wants to keep her baby. Her mother is hoping before its to late she will change her mind and have an abortion. I predict that Scarlett will do the right thing and keep her baby. I predict this because she is always saying she doesn’t want to give up on the baby. Also I think she will keep the baby as a memory of Michele. She is going through tough times and the only thing left of him is that baby. Then if she losses that baby I think that she think she losses Michele for good

Anonymous said...

Atalia R

to: Meghan F

that book sounds great! I would love to read it for my next book.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Paulsen, Gary. Dogsong. United States Of America: Atheneum books for young readers, 1985. print.

I predict that in this book the boy will find his song and he will be able to ride his sled dogs without a problem. Also I think he will be able to fend for himself since the man is teaching him all of the skills he needs to survive. Finally I think that he will find a sence of help from the old man that he should be helping.

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

Hunter, Erin. Warriors- Power of Three: Sunrise. New York: Harper Collins, 2009. Print.
For this book, I`m going to predict that Brambleclaw will soon figure out that Sol did not kill his Clanmate, Ashfur. Once Brambleclaw` s patrol talks to Sol, then maybe they will believe Sol when he tells his side of the story. After Sol was talked to, then the patrol will look for the real cat who had killed Ashfur.

Anonymous said...

joseph s

knocke, melanie. from blue moons to blackholes. prometheus books, 2005. print.

this book is about space and all the things we would know from 1st grade to collage. it may be a nonfiction book but it is great, even the collage stuff is put so that we can understand it! it is filled with maps, fun facts, colorized potos,and 300 pages of scientific facts.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Savannah L.
Donnelly, Jennifer. Revolution. United States: Delacorte Press, 2010. Print.

This book is about a girl named Andi who has had a lot of family problems in the past but finds herself lost with curiosity as she reads a 200 year old diary she found. One day while in Frace she decided to go down to the catacombs (Old tunnels deep inside of france that are hundreds of years old)and gets overwhelmed by all of the skeletons and skulls that soon she hears the ghosts whispering to her. She grows lightheaded and has to lean on a security guard while letting him guide her out. For some reason she knows deep inside of her that Alex, the girl who wrote the diary, wants her to go further because somewhere in those tunnels her skeleton or skull was there too.

I predict that Andi will go back down there and find Alex's body.

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.
To: Megan F.

This sounds like an awesome book! I love how she says that she hates being pregnant but she still wants to keep the baby. I hope I read it sometime!

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
dear atalia r.
I think that book is interesting, also I might want to read it. Are you done , if you are then can I borrow it. Also you're prediction is very good and true.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
Strasser, Todd. “Boot Camp”. New York. Simon &Schuster Books Children’s Publishing, 2007. Print.

One aspect of the book (Boot Camp) that reminds me of another book is how the chaperons treat the teens at the Boot Camp. They beat them and treat them and make them feel bad about themselves. The whole purpose of them going there is to be disciplined, but they really turn the teenagers into the child their parents always wanted. “ ‘ Never forget, these kids have years of experience lying, manipulating, doing it takes to get what they want’ ” (Strasser3).This aspect reminded me of a book called The End (by Todd Strasser) , it’s about how a villain is trying to steal the three siblings fortune that their parents left behind. Whenever he catches them he threatens them and makes them work for him. He says if any of them don’t obey him he will shoot them with his harpoon gun, this event reminds me of Boot Camp.

Anonymous said...

Kylie M.

Condie, Ally. Matched. New York City. The Penguin Group. 2010. Print.

I predict that in the book Matched, Cassia and Ky will run away together. Their love is mutual and announced. Even the officials are aware of this. Unfortunately, if their feelings do not stop the two will be in severe trouble, for it is forbidden to love someone other than your match. Even though Cassia is well aware of this she can't help but notice Ky and everything about him. "Later that night I realize that Ky did not give me anymore of his story and i did not ask. Perhaps it is because now I live in his story. Now I am apart of his, and he is apart of mine"(Condie 266). Going hiking together as partners during their leisure hours, they uncover more and more about each other and connect in a way Cassia never has with Xander, her legal match. The two plan out their moves and do their best to deceive the officials as much as possible. "He continues on down the length of the car and sits next to a window. Anyone watching would be convinced that he doesn't feel anything at all for me. He's almost convinced me" (Condie 278). In conclusion seeing how they desperately love one another and tell each other to believe in them, I predict the two will twist their way out of the Society and all the rules within it, run away and live happily together

Anonymous said...

From: Kylie M.
To: Brittney I.

I have read a book very similar to that in the past called, Seekers. I love mysteries and cats. I especially like how the book reminds me of an episode from Law and Order because of the whole accusing put on Sol for a crime.

Anonymous said...

Jarod M.
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New, York Scholastic press. Print 2008
I am reading a book the hunger games it is about a girl named katniss. Who goes into a arena who has to survive trough a bunch of terrors in her survival.

Anonymous said...

Alex A
Keaton Kelly. darkness becomes her. New York Simon Pulse. 2011

This book is about a young women named Ari. when Ari was born she was put up for adoption. Ari visits a place called Rocqemore, where her mother died, of suicide. Ari visits looking for information about her mother. she finds out that her mother is a drug addict and comittied suicide because she was delusional. She also gets her mothers belongings.

Anonymous said...

Jason .K
Colfer,Eoin. AF The Atlantis Complex. New York: Hyperion Books,2010.2010
The book that I’m reading is the continuing series of Artemis Fowl, The Atlantis Complex, where Artemis comes with an mental illness called Atlantis Complex. This happens right when the world needs him the most.