Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What IS a blog???

Why should we use a class blog for independent reading?
What IS a blog anyway?
How can I benefit from using a blog?

These are all questions that may be running through your minds as you sit in the computer lab today. First, watch the short video so we can discuss our ideas to the above questions.  Then, watch the video and take the BrainPop quiz on netiquette to help you understand your responsibilities as a net user.  Using a blog is a two way street. You will be expected to read and refer to your classmates comments, but don't worry. We will practice using our blog and by the end of the year you will be a blogging expert!

To make our class blog successful you must agree to follow these simple procedures:
1. Always have a parent or guardian's permission before you use the Internet.
2 Be polite, considerate and respectful in all your communications.
3. Only insert messages or pictures which are appropriate because this is a school blog.
4. Make sure we don't break copyright laws.
5. Never reveal any private information like a full name, address or phone number. Once you post a comment it is online for anyone to read forever.
6. Keep our password private so other people cannot use it.

How do you feel about using a blog to complete your independent reading requirement?  Remember to be mindful of following the rules of netiquette when posting your thoughts and feelings. Take a moment to read and think about your comment before publishing it for everyone to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ashley W.

The book I read is called "Shout out".It's about this girl her name is Amanda and she plays soccer and she will do anything to play on varsity team and when they pick who will be on the team her friend Lena gets picked to be on the team and she doesn't and that starts problems with their friendship.