Friday, September 23, 2011

Getting started...

DUE DATE/TIME: Tuesday, September 27th/11:59pm

1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.

* Be sure to follow the correct capitalization and punctuation as it is shown in the example for Lord of the Flies below.

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.
Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Capricorn Books, 1959. Print.

3.  Write a 3-4 sentence brief summary about your book.


9-10 points
8 points
7 points
6 points
· all directions have been followed
· proper spelling and grammar
· paragraphing correct
· responds to peer’s post insightfully
· all directions have been followed
· spelling and grammar correct most of the time
· paragraphing mostly correct
· responds to a peer’s post
· all directions have NOT been followed OR frequent spelling and grammar mistakes have been made OR paragraphing is            not correct
· responds to a peer’s post, but comment is not productive
· all directions have NOT been followed AND frequent spelling and grammar mistakes have been made AND  paragraphing is not correct
· does NOT respond to a peer’s post


Anonymous said...

Alex A

This book is about a boy named David who was once beaten severly by his mother. David ran away and was found by the police. He is taken away from his mother and living with his aunt. This book is very strong and emotional because it is a true story.

Anonymous said...

Kylie M.

Condie, Ally. Matched. NY. The Penguin Group. 2010. Print.

This book is about a girl named Cassia Reyes who just turned 17. Cassia lives in a society in the future, where the officials are strict, and everything is decided for the citizens.In the year you are 17 years old you go to a "Matching Banquet" where you learn who you will marry. Cassia end up being matched with her best friend Xander but starts to fall for another boy, Ky. Loving someone other than your match is forbidden so this is where her adventure starts. This book is very suspenseful and romantic.

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

Conndie, Ally. Matched. USA: Dutton Books,2010.Print.

This book is about Cassia Reyes. Cassia was Matched to Xander. The only problem is that Cassia has fallen for Ky. This is agianst the rules to the Officials. This book is for readers who love a good book with adventure and lots of suspence.

Anonymous said...

Austin H.
Hirsch, Jeff. The Eleventh Plague. New, York Scholastic Inc. 2011
The book I am reading is called The Eleventh Plague. This book is about a boy named Stephen Quinn. His family is living in a time when the war is going on and many places are deserted. This is from the war breaking out. Stephen's grandfather dies and Stephen's father wants to sell his grandfather's military ring that is solid gold. The family of two tries to find food but it is sometimes hard. This book is very interesting so far and has a lot of action.

Anonymous said...

Jarod M.
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New, York Scholastic press.2008
The book I’m reading is The Hunger Games. This book is about a girl named Katniss. Who goes into a Tourna mite called the hunger games where all the districts to fight to the death. They have to have a girl and a boy from each district. This book has a lot of action in it and it's a very good book.

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.
Donnelly, Jennifer. Revolution. United States: Delacorte Press, 2010. Print.
This book is about a girl named Andi who has recently lost her brother, had her parents split up, and watched her mother go crazy. Her father comes back one night because he found out Andi was failing all of her classes except music and takes her to Paris with him. There, inside a 200 year old guitar case, she finds a diary of the girl that owned the guitar that no one has seen before it was locked inside of it. She finds that the girl is much like her in ways and gets addicted to reading it.

Anonymous said...

Savannah L. To: Kylie M.
That sounds like an awesome book! I love how she falls for another boy other than her match. It sounds very exciting!

Anonymous said...

Austin H.

Hirsch,Jeff. The Eleventh Plague. New York Scholastic, Inc. 2011

Stephen and his father are running away from salvagers when his father falls into a thirty foot trench. Stephen's father ends up in a coma because he hits his head on a rock and his head is gushing with blood. Stephens father also falls into a rushing river. Stephen saves his dad by taking off his supplies and going in after him. Stephen loses the supplies while helping his father. When the salvagers come, Stephen leaves his dad to go up to the hill and tries to snipe the guys away. Stephen blows his cover and gets captured. This is a book that I can't put down!

Anonymous said...

Kylie M. To: Savannah L.
Aha it is. I'm still reading to find out who she'll end up loving more.
Your book seems interesting too. I like how there's a similarity between the two girls and it seems like it has a little mystery to it.

Anonymous said...

Jason K. Miller,Martin.The Good Fairies Of New York.Ny.Tor Fantasy.1992. This book is about two fugitive, Scottish fairies that are accidentilly transfered into New York during a Cornish invasion.

Anonymous said...

Austin H.

To: Alex A.

This book sounds sad but good. Can I borrow it when you are done?

Anonymous said...

Austin H.

To: Jarod M.

I have read The Hunger Games and the series. I love it! I could not put it down. My favorite book in the series was, Catching Fire. Have you read it? Do you like Hunger Games as well?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Denius S.
Riordan, Rick. The Throne Of Fire. New York: Hyperion Books, 2011. Print.

The book I am reading is called The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan. This book is about Carter and Sadie,offspring of the brilliant Egyptologist Dr.Julius Kane,embark on the worldwide search for the Book of Ra. But the House of Life and the Gods of Chaos are determined to stop them

Anonymous said...

Sierra K.
Brewer, Heather. The Chronicles Of Vladimir Tod. New York: Dutton Children’s Books.
What’s happening in the book is that Vlad’s aunt Nelly was kidnapped by the head of the vampire council D’ Ablo. His uncle, Otis, brought him to Elyia to the council to get Nelly back, but Vladimir doesn’t know what will happen to Nelly before they get there. Otis brings Vlad in front of the council and walks out. Guards brought Vlad into a room to see Otis sucking Nelly’s blood.

Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Lord, Cynthia. Touchblue. New York; Scolastic Press, 2010. Print.

This book that I just read Touchblue is about a girl Tess and her family who lives on an island. During the summer her family gets news that their school program will shut down if they don’t repopulate the kids on the island. So to do this some familys take in foster children for example her family takes in a boy named Aaron. During the time they try to get him to get as comfortable as posibe and then work from there on him. Then later he comes to like the family and their family events.

Anonymous said...

Joshua C.
Funke Cornelia.Reckless.New York.Little Brown and Company,2010
The book I am reading is about a boy named Jacob Reckless and his little brother. they are in a mirror that when touched brings you to a diffirent world. In this world there are goyl empirs and when they scratch a human they graduily turn into goyls. Jacobs little brother is scratched by one. so through out the book jacob treis to stop the unthinkible.

Anonymous said...

Jack G.

Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. Boston: Grand Central, 1942.

The book I’m reading is called mythology. Mythology doesn’t really have a main character because of all the different stories. The characters that are included are Odysseys, Hercules, and Theseus ect. There are tons of classic mythology stories wrapped up in this one book. It’s a really good book with lots of action, it’s a little hard however to remember all the stories.

Anonymous said...

Abbey V.

Friend, Natasha. Lush. New York. Scholastic Press. 2006. Print.

I have been reading this book called 'Lush' about a girl named Sam. Her father is an alcoholic and she is embarrassed about it. An anonymous person starts sending her letter about her problems with her father and asks Sam about the problems at home with him, and Sam gets advice from this person. The
anonymous person always signs with the initials 'A.J.K.' so one letter she asked wondering what at least one of the initials meant to find out who was giving her the advice. Sam's father is now trying to decrease his amount of drinking because his whole family wants him to stop so he doesnt come home late, drunk and scary. As the days get harder Sam just keeps sending the notes and hangs out with her friends.

Anonymous said...

Joseph S.

Pfeffer, Susan. life as we knew it. orlando. harcourt inc. 2006. print

this book is the diery of Miranda and it tells of her life after the moon was hit closer to earth ending life as they knew it, and begining a new life of starvation, desise, and natral desasters.

Anonymous said...

Meghan F.

Dessen,Sarah.New York:The Penguin Group,July

The book i have been reading is about two girls nemed Haley and Scarlett. The two girl's are best firends and just about to sart their junior year. but along the way Scarlett's boy friend is killed in an accident. Later to find out she is going to have his baby.

Anonymous said...

Atalia R

Pelzer, David. “A Child Called It”. Florida, Health Communications Inc., 1995. Print.

I just finished "A Child Called It" by Dave Pelzer. This book is about a severe child abuse case. The poor boy's name is David and his mother has turned on him and leaves him scared physically and mentally. This book is very sad however it leaves you wanting to know more and hoping that soon David will be saved from his abusive mother.

Anonymous said...

Sam B.

Pelzer,Dave.The Lost Boy. Florida. Health Communications Inc..1995. Print.

This book is about a liitle boy named David who was abused by his mather.When he ran away he was found by the police. The police took him away from his mothe so he had to stay with his aunt. Life wasn't as hard anymore for David. this was a tru story so it was hard to believe that this really happened to someone. this was a very enjoyable book.

Anonymous said...

Austin H.
To:Denius S.

I read the whole series of Rick Riordan books and they are very addicting to read. Do you fell the same or do think the books are alright?

Anonymous said...

Jared D.
Pelzer,Dave.A Child Called It. Florida. Health Communications Inc..1995. Print.

This book is about a child Dave Pelzer,who is also the author, who's mom thought he was a "bad boy." And he has severe punishments from his mom, like burning his hand over an oven, going inside a homeade gas chamber, and freezing inside an cold tub then without drying off standing outside in shade. But he learns to use time to survive, and not let his mom get the best of him.

Anonymous said...

Jack G.

Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. Boston: Grand Central, 1942.

The book I’m still reading is called Mythology. I’ve covered Odysseus, the Trojan War, Aeneas, and I’m reading about “The House of ATREUS. “. I apparently have to type Atreus in all capitals or it says I spelled it wrong, but anyway moving on. In the part that I’m on the entire chapter so far is about people who show off their kids and get them killed, or people who serve other people their chopped up kids. I remember thinking to myself: jeeze people get a grip! I mean I hate some people too but you don’t have to chop up kids and serve it to them. So all in all besides from the messed up stuff, the book is actually pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Joshua C
Deary, Terry. The Fire Thief. Boston, Massachusetts. Houghton Mifflin.2005 print.
I can connect this book to another book called the Lightning Thief. I can connect this because in the Fire Thief the gods are Greek gods that send out a titan named Prometheus who stole fire from the gods and was chained to a rock. Prometheus was sent out to find a true hero so that his cousin Zeus could forgive him for giving fire to the humans. And in the book the Lightning Thief the god Zeus’s lightning bolt was supposedly stolen by his brother Poseidon’s son. So in both books the gods are stolen from.

Anonymous said...

Abbey V.

Friend, Natasha. LUSH. New York. Scholastic Press,2006. Print.

This book I'm still reading Lush, by Natasha Friend is just getting good. Sam and her family are going through even more tough times at home with her father being a alcoholic. Now, Sam's little brother Luke just had gotten out of the hospital because Sam's dad smashed a beer bottle on Luke's head, they are having the Parker family come over every now and then just to check up on them. Sam's father hasn't shown up at home since the incident. I predict that he won't be coming home for a while because his family is really disappointed in him because he told them that he was going to change.

Anonymous said...

Sam B.
Friend,Natasha. Lush. New York. Schoolastic Press,2006. Print.
This book is about a girl named Sam who has an acaholic father. Her mother is kind of helpful to her because she is kind of embarrassed to invite her friends over because of her dad. I just started readin this book but so far it is interesting.

Anonymous said...

Denius S.
Riordan, Rick. The Throne Of Fire. New York: Hyperion Books, 2011. Print.

The book I am reading is called The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan. This book is about Carter and Sadie,offspring of the brilliant Egyptologist Dr.Julius Kane,embark on the worldwide search for the Book of Ra. But the House of Life and the Gods of Chaos are determined to stop them

Anonymous said...

Austin H.

Lynch,Chris.Vietnam (Book one)I Pledge Allegiance.New York.Scholastic Press Inc.2011.

This book is about how Morris,Rudi,Ivan,and Beck are best friends and Morris has been having these nightmares. Every dream is the same one every time the four best friends always die. Morris thinks its a sign because the four friends are going to fight in the Vietnam War in two months. Morris friend's don't think so but, Morris is scared out of his mind. Another problem the friends are having is that they all like the same girl. So they make a pledge to never be torn apart by things that are not worth worrying about and to always be by each others side until the end. So far this book has really caught my attention!