Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Due Date/Time: Thursday, February 9th at 11:59pm

1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment and no better than a C grade.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

3. Write a well developed paragraph summarizing the section of the book you read this week. You do not need to provide background information, I only want to read about what you read this week. Be sure to include a topic sentence, details, at least one piece of properly cited evidence from the text, and a concluding sentence.

4. Write one question to the main character (or one of the main characters) of the book. Explain why you want to ask the character this question.

5. Once you have posted your comment, go back and read through your classmate’s comments about the books they have been reading and comment on one of their posts by asking "I wonder..." questions; or, if you have read the book, you may make more specific comments. Be specific as to which classmate you are responding to.  You must read your classmate’s entries and make a meaningful comment on their work in order to receive an A.


Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
Haddix, Margaret. The Missing: Book1 Found. New York: Scholastic, 2008. Print.
This weekend I have read about how Angela Dupre is missing. Supposedly, she knows about Jonah and Chip’s birth parents, and why a mystery person keeps on sending notes with “You are one of the missing”. Jonah claimed him seeing her walking and wave to him after, then just disappear of out thin air. They need to find her so they can learn even more and ask more questions, and she might have the records of kids that are supposed to be the missing ones, just like them, but why. But when they got home all of their information that was on Chip’s computer was erased, also Angela’s number wasn’t on Chip’s phone anymore. When they called the operator there was no Angela Dupre, they were confused, on the record her named was listed Angela Dupre, under the witness section. Now they are trying to figure out what’s real and what’s not, which will trace their steps in the direction of finding Angela.
My question to Jonah is why you act like you don’t want to know about your birth parents? In the book you keep your emotions inside, and say you don’t need to know any more about them. It’s kind of like you rather not know them and would like stay with your foster parents instead. I think you are angry with them and just don’t want to show it to anyone. Are you afraid to ask your parents more about your real parents? Is it because they adore you so much more then there real daughter. “‘We were so lucky, getting you! Such a miracle!’ Katherine had been jealous” (Haddix15).

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

Caine, Rachel. The Morganville Vampires: Midnight Alley. New York: New American Library, 2007. Print.

Of what I read so far of the book Midnight Alley, I read that Amelie, Claire` s vampire Protector, want` s Claire to see Myrnin, a vampire. He teaches Claire things about the past and about vampires. The only problem is that Myrnin is sick, which means soometimes he forgets what he is doing and almost kills Claire because he does not remember what he is supposed to teach her. When he becomes sane again, Myrnin tells Clairethat all the vampires are dying and are sick like him. The sickness is slowly bringing the other vampires into insanity like Myrnin. "My race is dying and I don` t know how to stop it" (Caine 65).

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

The question I want to ask Claire, the main character in the book, why do you not want your friends that you are seeing Myrnin for your studies? I` m asking this question because in the book you want to keep the night visits to see Myrnin from your friends for some reason.

Anonymous said...

To: Dominique M.
From: Brittany I.

Do you know how the girl` s name got on the witness list in the story?

Anonymous said...

Jason K.
King, Stephen.IT.Harrisburg, Virginia: Penguin books,New York.1986.
The section i read this week was about how each "Lozer" came from they're lives and are ready to confront their worst enemey
in hopes of killing it.IT."the others-?"Bill began."All hear now,"Mike seid."ASll that could come."(King 485).This is the part I had read this week.

Anonymous said...

To:Dominique M.
From: Jasn K.
If ou were in Chip's place wat would you think and how would you react to this info?

Anonymous said...

Austin H.

Sonnenblick, Jordan. After Ever After. Scholastic Inc.
New York, New York. Copyright 2010.Print.

In this book that I am reading, the main character is a boy named Jeffrey. He is a survivor of leukemia. He now is cancer free, in eighth grade and is in love with a new girl from California. Jeffery lives in New Jersey and has attention problems from the cancer medicine he had to take. My question to Jeffery would be, what was it like to come back from having cancer in kindergarden to being in the third grade? It must have been very tough to battle cancer at such a young age and it must have been scary.

Anonymous said...

To: Jason k.
From: Austin H.

What type of book is It? Do you enjoy reading it? Is"It" a lizard or a clown?

Anonymous said...

Jared D.

Haddix, Margaret Peterson. Found. New York: Simon & Schuster for Young Readers, 2008. Print.

In found, the main character Jonah is in a tight situation not knowing who he really is and ghosts are all around him. But he doesn't know when or why they're there. I would like to ask Jonah what is it like to be in an adopted family and not have an idea who you really are.

Anonymous said...

To jason k
From jared d

Why are the people called "lozers?" Sound alot like loser. Any coincidence?

Anonymous said...

Atalia R

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: scholastic inc., 2008. print.

In this book i am at the part of the games. Here Katniss starts the battle to survive where she must be the last tribute alive to win. i recently read a part where Katniss becomes allies with Rue a very smart and young tribute. So far they have worked together to protect each other and help feed each other "I give Rue some matches and she gives me some leaves in case my stings flare up again (Collins 205.
If i could ask Katniss one thing it would be, what does she think her chances are of winning the games compared to the other tributes?

Anonymous said...

To:Austin H.
From:Dominique M.
I feel bad for this young kid, none should have to go through that. Hopefully the girl he likes wont dislike him beacuse of his flaws. Who knows they might make a good couple.

Anonymous said...

Sierra K.
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. No publication, 2008.

So far in The Hunger Games, Katniss just got a eleven from the Gamemakers. She got the eleven from her anger of them not paying attention when she was presenting to them, they were more focused on the roasted pig on a platter coming in. Katniss without thinking shot an arrow straight toward them, shooting the apple out of the pig's mouth and into the wall with an arrow straight in the middle of it. After she got an eleven Peeta decided he wanted private lessons with Haymitch, from him only getting an eight from the Gamemakers. While Peeta trains with Haymitch, Katniss had to go with Effie and practice how to walk in heels and a dress. Effie got very annoyed with her not walking right. Then Haymitch didn't know what to make of her for the interview, humble, sexy, funny, or mysterious. "Apparently I'm too 'vulnerable' for ferocity. I'm not witty. Funny. Sexy. Or mysterious" (Collins 85).

If I had to ask Katniss a question, I would ask her, why did you take place for providing food for your mother and Prim when times were rough for all of you? I would ask her this because when her father died from the mine accident she had troubles finding and keeping up with bring home food everyday. Going to the Hob must have been scary for the first time going in without out her father by her side, but if she didn't continue gathering food and going into the woods, she would have never became friends with Gale and have never had become the great hunter she is.

Anonymous said...

To: Brittany I.
From: Sierra K.

What does Myrnin mean by sickness? Is it like the flu or something similar?

Anonymous said...

Meghan F.

Sparks, Nicolas. The Last Song. New York: 2009. Ink.

My book is about a girl who has to go and live with her father for the summer. She doesn't want to because she doesn't like her dad. She doesn't like her dad because he left her and her family. But, now she is living with him the whole summer. When Ronnie gets there she meets a girl named Blaze. Since Ronnie just wanders off with Blaze she gets herself into trouble. So her dad sends a police man to get her and bring her to her house. That is when she gets really gets mad with him. " You sent the cops after"(Sparks 53)?

If i could ask the main character one question it would be why do you make yourself hang out with those types of people if your not like that?


Do you like the book so far?

Anonymous said...

Jack G.
Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay. New York: scholastic inc., 2010. Print.

I am at the part in the book where Katniss is in the cellar of the cat lady. Katniss has to get dressed in capital clothes to disguise herself. Gale and Katniss fall into a trap where Gale is captured. Katniss goes to the capital square where bombs go off and she gets hurt badly. "The hovercraft vanishes, five seconds pass, and then about twenty parachutes simultaneously explode." (collins 346) If I could ask Katniss one thing it would be what did it feel like getting pretty much blown up?

Anonymous said...

Joshua. C
John Grogan, Marley & Me, New York: HarperCollins, 2005. Print
This week I have read about jenny and her ADHD loving dog Marley. Marley is a purebred yellow Labrador who has the energy of two cheetahs on 5 hour energy. “He was so excitable, any interaction at all would send him into a tizzy of bounce-off-the-walls, triple-espresso exuberance”(Grogan#27). He is always grabbing things off the tables and doing ass jenny calls it the Marley-Mambo. ”When I reached down to pet him, he dodged away Uh-oh it was the Marley-mambo”(Grogan#36). Another thing that happened was that jenny got pregnant. If I could ask jenny anything it would be that did you know Marley had ADHD when he was alive and how come you went into mama mode when Marley had fleas. I would ask this question because it is so weird that you would go crazy with flea away spray and then wash Marley in grass spray.

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.
Brewer, Heather. Twelfth Grade Kills. United States: Dutton Children's Books, 2010

This book is about a half vampire names]d Vladmire Todd. He is in an ancient profecy where he reffered to as the Pravus, the vampire that will either anslae or bring peace to vampire and human kind. He recently has been having many conflicts like how his supposedly dead dad never died and has returned to him after years of thinking so. Also the entire slayer society wants him dead and Vlad is supposed to go to an Elysian trial which will sentence him to death as well. To make things worse, Eddie has found out vlad's secret and is blackmailing him to turn him into a vampire.

If i could ask Vlad any question, i would ask him how he is he feeling right about now and how he is going to handle his complicated situation. He must be very stressed, overwhelmed, and scared because everywhere he turns there is a threat and more chaos he needs to deal with.

Anonymous said...

To: Jared D.
From: Savannah L.

I wonder why he doesn't know who he is and why he is seeing ghosts. This book sounds good. I would like to hear more about it.

Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Lynch, Chris. Me Dead Dad Alcatraz. New York: Hypercollins publishers, 2005. print

this weak in the book i learned about what elvin does after school. i also learned that elvin has a soft spot fo rhis uncle to see all the stuff he went through. then i read that his uncle can have random sesures. But mainly it talked about there bonding time."hemust eat the blood sugar gets too low... happens just like that"(Lynch 172)

if i were to ask the main character one question it would be what would you do different if you could repeat that moment.

TO:Josh C.
From:Michael A.

is this book based on the movie and what kind of reader would you suggest this to.

Anonymous said...

1. Abbey V.

2. Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York: Scholastic Press, 2009. Print.

3. What I read this week was how in the Hunger Games Peeta and Katniss are going to "love each other" again for the press to see because that would be the only way people will watch the hunger games. Also, I read about how the president's arrival was about how they had to succeed so they do not die. "...We're all going to die if I fail." (Collins 43).

4. My question to Katniss is, are you afraid of losing? I'm asking this because i think that she will do whatever it takes to win, and she won't need to be nervous, just have confidence.

5. To: Jack G.
I wonder if they survived through that or if it really helped and just made them stronger as people.