Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Due Date/Time: Thursday, March 1st  at 11:59pm

1.  Type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL. 

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!
Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

3. Write a brief summary about the section of the book you read this week. Be sure to include a topic sentence and the most important details.

4. Identify what point of view the book is written in in a complete sentence.  YOU MUST CITE TEXT to support the point of view.

FIRST PERSON:  The narrator is the main character in the story.  He or she uses the I, ME, or MY pronouns in his thoughts and feelings.

THIRD PERSON:  The narrator is the author or an unnamed observer.  The main character’s thoughts and feelings are  revealed with HE or SHE pronouns.

5. Once you have posted your comment, go back and read through your classmate’s comments about the books they have been reading and comment on one of their posts with a question or specific comment. You must read your classmate’s entries and make a meaningful comment on their work in order to receive an A.


Mrs. Evans said...

Mrs. Evans

Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York: Scholastic Press, 2009. Print.

This week, the main character has just announced that she is engaged to be married to her fellow tribute, Peeta. Katniss has done this to try to completely convince the Capital that their love for each other is real following their joint victory in the Hunger Games. She is not really in love with Peeta but she does love him and would do anything she could to keep them both safe from retribution.

The novel is written in first person point of view. I can tell because the narrator is Katniss and she refers to herself using the pronoun “I, me, my”. “I dare to raise my eyebrows. They ask what my lips can’t. Did I do it? Was it enough?” (Collins 74).

Anonymous said...

Sierra K.

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. No publication, 2008

This week in The Hunger Games I read about Katniss being in the areana with all the carreers, foxface, and Rue. There are only 8 people left in the games. Katniss doesn't know where Peeta is, but she does know he is badly hurt. Rue just got stabbed in the stomach with a spear and Katniss shot the boy with an arrow in the center of his neck. "The boy from District 1 dies before he can pull out the spear. My arrow drives deeply into the center of his neck" (Collins 165).

The Hunger Games is in first person. I know this because Katniss refers to herself as I, me, and my. "'You have to win,' she says. 'I'm going to. Going to win for both of us now' I promised" (Collins 165).

Anonymous said...

1.Meghan F.

2.Sparks, Nicholas. The Last Song. New York: Grand Central, 2009. Ink.

3.The book I'm reading is about a girl named Ronnie. In the book right now Ronnie got into some trouble. A girl named Blaze put some CDs in Ronnies bag when Ronnie wasn't looking. Ronnie didn't know and walked right out of the store. But has she was walking out it started ringing. Now Ronnie has to call her mom and wait to she whats going to happen.

4.The book I am reading is in 3rd person point of veiw. For example "Ronnie wasn't sure exactly"(Sparks 104).

5.To: Sierra
I love the book your reading and it gets even better in the end.

Anonymous said...

Austin H.

Gottesfeld, Jeff. Super Fan. New York: Penguin Books, 2011. Print.

Today I started a book called Super Fan. In this book Shawn Reynolds enters a contest in the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) to become Super Fan. He doesn't know much about the wrestlers who are part of the WWE. He states that he doesn't know the difference between John Cena, Sheamus or CM Punk and Rey Mysterio. Shawn's dad is in the armed forces and loves to watch WWE with his boys Shawn and Peter. Shawn enters the Super Fan contest not for himself but for his dad "if my father wasn't going to Afghanistan at the end of the week, I don't think I would even think about entering" (Gottesfeld 24)

This novel is in third person point of view. I can tell this because in chapter 12 it says: "see you at the Dome".'He offered Shawn a fist bump, and then Shawn walked him to the door' (Gottesfeld 81).

Anonymous said...

Joshua .C

Mikaelsen, Ben. Touching Spirit Bear. New York: HarperCollins, 2001. Book.

The book I am reading is Touching Spirit Bear. The section that I read takes place on an island off of Alaska and a kid named Cole is staying on the island for a year. He can join the circle of justice and not go to jail for beating a kid named Peter senseless. However, this is Coles second time on the island. During his first visit Cole burnt down his cabin that a Native American chief leader built for him. Then he was mauled close to death by a mysterious white bear. Now Cole travels back and he is different from the first time he came in many ways. Cole used to get angry at little stuff, like other things not being afraid of him that is why he attacked the spirit bear because it wasn’t frightened of him. Another example of Cole’s change is talking with compassion and not anger. He starts to care for others and not just himself. He asks about Peter and wants to know how his dad and mom are doing.

Third person is the point of view in this book. I recognize this because when Cole gets mauled by the spirit bear he kept asking himself why he should still be alive. “He had never really known any home it sure wasn’t the big brick building that his parents landscaped” (Mikaelsen page 96). He comments in the beginning of the book how he just will deceive them like he fools everyone.

Anonymous said...

Joshua. C
To Meghan. F
why does blaze put cds in ronnies bag.

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.

Collins,Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York:Scholastic Press,2008.Print.

In my book, The Hunger Game Prim has been selected to be apart of the Hunger Games. Katniss her older sister was shocked and had to do something about it. So she took her place, Prim was sad both ways. The other person who was selected was Peeta Mellark. Katniss had remembered him from experience,didn't want him top be picked. She hoped that someone else would kill him before she got to him. On the trip to the fighting grounds Katniss tried to not get to close to him, didn't want to become friends. Right now in my book Katniss and Peeta are close to the fighting grounds. They are trying to knock sense into their drunk leader.

The Hunger Games is written in first person, uses the words I, and me. My main character Katniss is also the narrator. "I can feel someone pulling her from my back"(Collins23).

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
To: Meghan F.

I think your main character Ronnie will get revenge on Blaze. His mother willmprobably be dissapointed and not believe that he didn't steal anything. But if he is a good kid then he will be more believable. Also even if he doesn't get revenge i think Blaze will get whats coming to her.

Anonymous said...



In my book Island a boy named luke has been framed for gun being in his locker.The judge has sent him to this boat were he and a bunch of other criminal kids and has to work on the boat.Their's a storm coming theur way.This book is in first person point of view.

Anonymous said...

Jack G.

Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay. New York; Scholastic press, 2010. Print.

I have read the last section of Mockingjay. The war ended and a lot of people died. In the end Snow is captured. I can't say what happens to him. This book is in first person point of view. It is first person because Katniss tells the entire story. "I am on fire."(Collins 348)

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
To: Meghan F.

I think your main character Ronnie will get revenge on Blaze. His mother will probably be dissapointed and not believe that he didn't steal anything. But if he is a good kid then he will be more believable. Also even if he doesn't get revenge i think Blaze will get whats coming to her, its just like karma.

February 29, 2012 8:06 PM

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.
Brewer, Heather. Twelfth Grade Kills. United States: Dutton Children's Books, 2010

This book is about a half-vampire named Vladmire Tod. He is the pravus, known from a profecy, which means that he is very powerful an will either bring dustruction or peace to the vampire and human worlds. He has many people that want him dead and has decided that if he cannot find his father's journal, the book that could save him and everyone else, he will sacrafice his life to save his loved ones.
This book is written in third person point of view. I know this because instead of saying I, the narrarator says Vlad. "After settling his heart rate, Vlad said, 'Hey, Joss.'" (Brewer 222)

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.
To: Jack G.

This book sounds really good. I wish you had given a little more information though. I love the quote!

Anonymous said...

Atalia R

Carpenter, Kim and Krickitt. The Vow. Tennessee: B&H Publishing Group,2012. Print

I recently finished the vow, it was overall a great read. This story was about a couple who just three months after their marriage got into a car wreck they almost died however that made it through. Kim's wife Krickitt had suffered a major head injury and had lost the last three years of her memory. When Krickitt awoke from her coma she had no idea who Kim was or how she got in the hospital. Many people told her but she never regained those memories. Even though their relationship seemed to be falling apart the couple went to a counselor and they recreated old memories and feelings and eventually remarried. The "new" couple had a second chance in meeting each other to Krickitt. However, for Kim it was another chance to get to know his life long partner better and kept his vow.

This book was written in first person point of view, the narrator was Kim. I know this because he says"I will never"(carpenter 150) and "My wife had"(carpenter 63).

Anonymous said...

Michael A.
Lynch,chris. Me Dead Dad Alcatraz. New York:Hypercollins publishers.2010.print.

This week i finnished my book it was about him and his uncle splitting apart. After his uncle finds his ex-wife she heart brakes him to a point were he starts to cry. Then later in the book he dissapears. So now elvin takes what his uncle showed him and uses it to benifit.

2. this book is in a first person book because it talks like you are inside the main character. "I need to take care of my self"(Lynch 240)

3.To:Jarod M.
From:Michael A.

i see what you are saying about the book. but you forgot your Quote and you messed up on how to put the book info. also you put your full last name which equals delition

Anonymous said...

Simpson D.

The dangerous days of Daniel x. New York: Little,Brown,2008 print

This week i finished my book, it was about a boy named Daniel who's parents were killed by an alien outlaw named The Prayer. The Prayer was looking for the list of alien outlaws but couldn't find it so he left, Daniel then looked for the note that the prayer was talking and found out that he was no normal human. He was an alien hunter, he then became a alien hunter and tracks the alien outlaws that are currently on earth.

This book is in First person point of veiw because in the book he says "uh" i said "yeah i mean, of course...but they're...pretty busy right now. Maybe i could help you? or you could come back later? "later? he said" (page 28)

Anonymous said...

sam B.

Summy Barrie. I so don't do mysteries. New York. 2008. Print.

the section I am reading in this book is about Sherry (the main character) in the middle of finding out her mystery.She is much more clever than she thinks she is. In this book the point of view is first person. for example, "sucking in a deep breath, i peek under my palm"(Summy 126).

Anonymous said...

1. Abbey V.

2. Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York: Scholastic Press, 2009. Print.

3. What I have read so far in my book, Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins is that Katniss and Peeta have just arrived to the games again and they are still playing off the "love". They are doing this to survive and they argue a bit about how Katniss's family wasn't the only people who had to survive. Now I have just read that Peeta purposed to Katniss, so now they are engaged.

4. The point of view in this story is first person. I know this because it says "Peeta and I make no effort to find company but are constatnly sought out" ( Collins 78).

5. To: Meghan F.

This book sounds really good, is Blaze a good friend of Ronnies? I also wonder if they will be friends after this.

Anonymous said...

sam b.
to: dominique m.

I am going to read this book next and from your discription I can't wait to read it. Does the book start off slow and boring at first? because i have heard that before.

Anonymous said...

Denius S.

Suzanne, Collins. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Inc, 2008.print.

Katniss is a 16-year-old girl living with her mother and younger sister in the poorest district of Panem, the remains of what used be the United States. Long ago the districts waged war on the Capitol and were defeated. As part of the surrender terms, each district agreed to send one boy and one girl to appear in an annual televised event called, "The Hunger Games." The terrain, rules, and level of audience participation may change but one thing is constant: kill or be killed. When Kat's sister is chosen by lottery, Kat steps up to go in her place.

Anonymous said...

Denius S.

The point of view of this story is first person. I know this because it says "where did you get that? i ask" (collins 145)