Tuesday, January 31, 2012


DUE DATE/TIME: THURSDAY, February 2nd/11:59pm
1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment and no better than a C grade.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium.

*      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *     
DIRECT CHARACTERIZATION:  When the narrator or author directly informs the reader about a character’s physical or personality traits.

INDIRECT CHARACTERIZATION:  When the trait is implied and the reader must infer the information about a character.

3.  Choose any character from your book to write a descriptive paragraph about.  Be sure to include CITED TEXT to support your characterization AND explain if it is DIRECT or INDIRECT.

4.  READ YOU PEER’S posts!!!  You must make a meaningful comment on a post to receive full credit.


Anonymous said...


Austin Healey.

Sonnenblick, Jordan. Drums Grils & Dangerous Pie. Scholastic Inc. New York, New York. Copyright 2008.

In this book the main character is Steven and his little brother is Jeffrey. Jeffrey has an illness and Stevens Live turns up side down. I infer that Jeffrey will be diagnosed with a disease and Steven will have to take care of him. Steven is in eighth grade and he has a crush on a girl who doesn't even care about him.
I can infer this because on the back flap of the book it states that Steven's world turns upside down when his brother gets sick.

Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Lynch, Chris. Me Dead Dad & Alcatraz. Hypercollins publishers newyork 2005. print.

in this book the main character whos name is Elvin is the character i chose. Elvin has a thing with hair he love all types of hair but mostly his friends Frankies hair. But also he loves to bowl he is the number one out of all of his friends. Also he hates his family all but his mom his uncle always makes him mad but he can cook food. Elvin plays the tuba and is great at it and is high up in his band. Lastly he only semi likes his uncle because his uncle is in debt for stealing Elvins money

Anonymous said...

To: Austin H.
From: Michael A.

what kind of reader would you suggest this book to. By the way in the title is it drum girls(you put grils) and dangerous pie. and you shouldnt put your full name

Anonymous said...

Michael A. add on

"well my tuba just came in with something wraped in its coils"(Lynch 146).

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

Goodman, Alison. Eon. New York: Firebird, 2008.

The main character, Eon, is the type of person that always ends up with a burden on his shoulders ever since he was bought by his master at a salt farm. When Eon became the Mirror Dragon Dragoneye, Eon is in some trouble. The problem is that Eon is really a sixteen year old girl named Eona. Eona can see all twelve dragons in her mind` s eye. Now Eona has to make sure that she does not act like a woman because if people know that she is a girl and not a boy, the punishment is death. So Eona has a lot on her shoulders because her master and her friends have a lot of hope that she is the person that will bring good fortune to the land. "Like the creep of sunlight across shade, the circle of ghostly silhouttes brightened into the solid rainbow bodies of the dragons" (Goodman 185). This is direct characterization.

Anonymous said...

To: Michael A.
From: Brittany I.

Why does Elvin hate his family? What did they do to make him hate his family so much?

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
Haddix,Peterson. The Missing: Book 1 Found. New York:Scholastic,2008.

My character's name that I chose from the book is Jonah, an adopted teenager,quiet,not gulible,best friends with Chip,and will do anything for him. Jonah excepts being adopted and isn't bothered by it. But when his friend,Chip figures out he is adopted he gets angry,upset,and wont stop until he knows his birthparents and where he came from. Jonah tries to comfort him and tell him everything is fine, but he wont buy it. He promised him that he will do everything in his power to help him with his questions,Chip's dad wont tell him anything about his true self. So far they go through big,scary,and weird obstacles to get there. I think the book uses direct characterization to inform me about Jonah. In the book the are two narrators, one is the author,two is Jonah himself. In a passage the author talks about how Jonah is adopoted and doesnt mind it that much. "It didn't to Jonah-he'd always known he was adopted, and as far as he was concerned, it wasn't much more of a big deal than his liking mint chocolate-chip ice cream while Katherine like orange sherbert"(Haddix13).

Anonymous said...

1.Meghan F.

2.Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay. New York Times: Scholastic Pres, 2010. Ink.

In my book the main character Katniss is the typ out person who does what she wants whenever she wants. She doesn't care of you say to do something. Katniss would go and do the compleat oposite of what you said. But, she wouldn't do it just to get you mad. She wpuld do it if she thought it was the right thing to do. Katniss also doesn't like bring tolled what to do.But, she is the kind of person who would risk her life to save someone she loves. I think that Katniss is also very brave and she may not seem scared but she is. For example "Don't even think about-! I yank the earpiece free and let it hang from its wire"( Collins 73).

Anonymous said...

From:Dominique M.
To: Michael A.

In your comment you forgot to put if the book uses indirect or direct characterization. Also you could have described Elvin. But other than that your summary souded good. I think Elvin will probably get revenge on is uncle that owes him money.

Anonymous said...

From; Meghan F.
To: Dominique M.

Why does Jhonna get angry when his friend finds out hes adopted?

Anonymous said...

Sierra K.
Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. No Part of Publication: 2008.

In the book, The Hunger Games, the protestant, Katniss, is heading to the Capitol on a chariot with, Peeta Mellark. Katniss right now is confident that she'll get a sponsor for the game. This characterization is indirect. I know this because she is on the chariot with a black unitard that covers her ankle to neck with leather boots. She is waving and blowing kisses to the crowd as she goes by. She started out scared and nervous, but as the crowd started to call her name and started to try to grab the kisses she was blowing thinking their real. She started to get more and more confident as they kept favoring her and Peeta. "Surely, there must be one sponsor willing to take me on!" (Collins 53).

Anonymous said...

From: Sierra K.
To: Brittany I.

How does Eona see the twelve drangons in her mind's eye? What are the twelve dragons?

Anonymous said...

Jack G.
Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay. New York Times: Scholastic Press, 2010. Ink.

In the book Mockingjay Katniss is described as stubborn. She doesn't follow orders and she wants to do what she thinks is right. Which isn't always bad unless you die from not following orders. "And suddenly, I realize what the military will think my biggest weakness is. I cannot take orders." (Collins 249). I think that this is direct characterization because Katniss is describing herself.

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.
Brewer, Heather. Twelfth Grade Kills. United States: Dutton Children's Books, 2010

This book has direct characterization. Vlad, the protagonist, is a half-vampire. He is the only known vampire to be born instead of created and he is in the prophecy that says the pravus (half-vampire) will either enslave or bring peace to the vampire and human race. Since Vlad is very close to humans and vampires he would rather bring peace then enslave them. He is just a teenage boy trying to find his place, but has come to be very famous in the vampire world. Because of Vlad being the pravus, he has also been given strength that could be more powerful than any other vampire. Although he was amazed at what he could do he was also very afraid of becoming his nature, a monster. "In one fell swoop, he'd knocked them unconsious and walked away, as if nothing had happened.
Three steps out of the alley, Vlad stopped and looked back at the wounded Slayers.
What on earth was he becoming?" (Brewer 35)

Anonymous said...

To: Brittany I.
From: Savannah L.

What is the Mirror Dragon Dragoneye? This book sounds pretty interesting.

Anonymous said...

Alex A
Cornelia Funke. The Thief Lord. Scholastic inc, 2003.

In this book the main character is a boy named Bo. Bo lives with with his mean aunt and uncle when his mom and dad pass away. "Victor looked once more at the photograph of the two very different faces-the tall, serious boy and the carefree smile of the younger one." (Funke #12). This infers that Bo is a scared boy, or that he is nervous for for his friends that ran away

Anonymous said...

Denius S

Chris D' Lacey. Dark Fire.scholastic Inc, 2010

David Rain was lost in the Arctic and it was up his daughter, Alexa, to bring him back. This one little girl has the power to save her father, but when she found him, she uncoverd a lot more than just David. Dragons have finally returned to earth as well.

Anonymous said...

Jared "IsSorryHe'sMoreBeautifulThenYou" D.

Haddix, Margaret. Found. New York: Simon and Shuster Children's Publishing Division, 2008.

The main character Jonah is a smart, adopted, athletic kid. His bestfriend is chip and his non-adopted sister is Katherine. Jonah is smart and a good speaker. He is a man who doesn't react on logic, but instinct. The states this with a quote like, "He had muscles in his arms thicker than Jonah's legs. Jonah leaped at Gary anyway. Even in midair, Jonah had no idea what he inteded to do to Gary."

Anonymous said...

To Alex A
From Jared D

Why did Bo's friends run away? Could you explain that because I don't understand.

Anonymous said...

Atalia R

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York:Scholastic Inc, 2008. Print.

This book has both indirect and direct characterization. The protagonist's characteristics are stated directly and allow you to suspect a little. Katniss Everdeen is the main character she lives in district twelve and is a rough girl. She is poor and spends everyday trying to feed her mother and sister this makes me think she is very responsible.i know she is a good hunter because on page 89 she says "but i can hunt with a bow and arrow" she is also"...handy with a knife..." as her coach says(Collins 89).

Anonymous said...

1. Abbey V.

2. Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York: cataloging-in-publication data, 2009. Print.

3. In my book Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins there is a character named Katniss. I think she doesn't ever give up. I also feel like she will do whatever she has to do or wants to do and will accomplish to do it. I think this because in this story, she and Peeta love each other they just don't really realize it at first. For example, when she says " Before my fellow tribute, Peeta Mellark, announced he was madly in love with me." I think that this makes Katniss a indirect character.

4. To: Meghan F.
Is that book good? It seems like it is, and since I'm reading the second book i was thinking about reading the third.

Anonymous said...

To Atalia R.
From Jack G.

Who is coach referring to in the sentence "handy with a knife?" Just wondering.