Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Due Date/Time: Thursday, DECEMBER 15th at 11:59pm

1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment and no better than a C grade.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

3. Write a well developed paragraph summarizing the section of the book you read this week.  I only want to read about what you read this week. Be sure to include a topic sentence and supporting details.

4. Write about the novel’s POINT OF VIEW.  Is it in 1st person or 3rd person?  How can you tell?  Be sure to include a piece of cited text (name #) that supports the point of view.

5. Once you have posted your comment, go back and read through your classmate’s comments about the books they have been reading and comment on one of their posts by asking "I wonder..." questions; or, if you have read the book, you may make more specific comments. Be specific as to which classmate you are responding to.  You must read your classmate’s entries and make a meaningful comment on their work in order to receive an A.


Anonymous said...

Brittany I .

Hand, Cynthia. Unearthly. New York : Harper Teen, 2011. Print.

I`m reading the book Unearthly. So far of what I read, Clara had found out that a friend of her` s, Angela, is an angel like her. They switch facts with each other about stuff about angels that they heard or know about. This book is in 1st person point of view. "... I wake up at two a.m. with a tingling in my head like tiny fireflies dancing behind my eyes" ( Hand 1) .

Mrs. Evans said...

Mrs. Evans

Condie, Ally. Matched. New York: Scholastic, 2010. Print.

Matched, by Allie Condie, is a science fiction book set in the future. So far in the story, the main character Cassia is on her way to her Match Banquet where she will learn who she will be placed with for the rest of her life. She is nervous and excited about the Banquet and happy that her best friend Xander is going with her.

The novel is written in first person point of view. I can tell because all of the protagonist’s thoughts and feelings are shared. Also, the explanative portion of the dialogue uses 1st person pronouns, such as I, me, or my.
“ ‘What are you smiling about?’ Xander wonders as I smooth the folds of my green silk dress down neat. ‘Everything,’ I tell him. And it’s true” (Condie 3).

Anonymous said...

To: Mrs.Evans
From: Brittany I.

In the begging of the book it drags a little bit, but it gets really exciting towards the middle of the book. I loved it. I hope you will ejoy it too!

Anonymous said...

Jarod M.

Landon,Kristen.The Limit.
Schoclastic Inc.NewYork, 2010.

Im reading the book TheLimit it is about a boy named Mat and his family has gone over there debt limit.He has to go to a workhouse where he has to work off his familys debt.He also makes new friends and lives his life there.

Anonymous said...

1. Meghan Fandozzi

2. Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2009. ink.

3. My book Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins is about a girl named Katniss and what happens to her after the hunger games. Katniss is in some trouble in the part Im reading right now. This guy President Snow has come to worn her that she will not just get away with making the capitol look bad. He said if she doesn't make it so that he doesn't know that her and Peeta aren't lovers she is in big trouble as in death. By pulling the stunt she did with the berries she has now put her, her family, Peetas family, and Gail all at risk. Now she needs to make her and Peeta look like a happy couple not only that Gail had just kissed her out of no where.

4. The point of view my book is written in is the 1st point of view. I know this because "and I can see how pleased she is by my response"(Collins 31).

5. To: Jarod Musk
That sounds like a good book. But why does he have to work off his parents debt?

Anonymous said...

Shawn B.

Andy Mulligan Trash.
jacket art copy right 2010. print.

I'm reading a book that is called trash,and it is about a boy named Raphael Fernandez and his best friend Gardo. they are both 14 years old and they are always side by side.also they live with their family's in a third world dump site.Raphael is the main character in this story.He is the type of boy that likes to go thru garbage because he says you'll never know what you find.then one day he did.Also what he found was a wallet with money now if you don't have money you know what you do when you find some.When Raphael found the wallet he was pretty excited so he told his friend Gardo and they both split the cash.There was eleven hundred pesos which is Mexican money.So they both split it Raphael gave Gardo five hundred and six hundred was left for him because he was the one who found it.this book is in 1st point of view ex, "i know i said.

Anonymous said...

Jared "IsWickedGoodAtBlogs D.

Paulsen ,Gary. Woods Runner. New York. Scholastic Inc, 2010. Print.

Woods Runner is about a young teenager who has learned the ways of hunting, and being in the forest. But when his parents get taken, and his village gets burned to the ground, he has to use those skills to hunt humans. These humans are heartless and would not hesitate to take young samuel or kill him, if they have the opportunity.

This stroy is told in a third person point of view. Instead of saying; "I watched the man and ate", the story says, "While Samuel watched the men and ate" (Paulsen 68).

Anonymous said...

Jared "IsWickedGoodAtBlogs" D.

Paulsen ,Gary. Woods Runner. New York. Scholastic Inc, 2010. Print.

Woods Runner is about a young teenager who has learned the ways of hunting, and being in the forest. But when his parents get taken, and his village gets burned to the ground, he has to use those skills to hunt humans. These humans are heartless and would not hesitate to take young samuel or kill him, if they have the opportunity.

This stroy is told in a third person point of view. Instead of saying; "I watched the man and ate", the story says, "While Samuel watched the men and ate" (Paulsen 68).

Anonymous said...

Shawn B.
To. Jarod M.

How did the family lose thier money and go into dept. Your book sound very interesting i would like to read it when your done, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Jarod M.
To.Shawn B.

They went over there debt limit because his father lost a bet for like either 200$ and 2000$ so he had to go to the work house.

Anonymous said...

Abbey V.

Dessen, Sarah. That Summer. New York: Penguin Group, 1996. print.

This week in the book "That Summer" I have read about this girl, Haven telling me about her life. She is briefly telling me how her life has been since a certain Summer. Haven is also telling the reader about her life, family, and what is going on with her family.

In this novel That Summer by Sarah Dessen, this story is told in first person point of view. Instead of saying "Haven's father..." it says "My father..." (Dessen 17).

Anonymous said...

Abbey V.
To: Meghan F.

This sounds like a really good book. So, are you saying that Katniss has to pretend to be happy with someone she isn't happy with so she can save her and her friends' lives?

Anonymous said...

Jack G.

DiCamillo, Kate. The Tale of Despereaux. Massachusetts:Candlewick press, 2006. Print.

I am reading "The Tale of Despereaux" by Kate DiCamillo. This book is about Despereaux (the only mouse of the litter who made it through birth) who is very odd for a mouse. When Despereaux was born his size was very small, his ears were too big, and his eyes were open. Despereaux's parents told his older siblings to show him how to be a mouse. No matter how hard they tried, Despereaux was just not normal. The last straw was when he talked to a human. For a mouse it is forbidden to even come in contact with a human. Despereaux's own parents didn't speak out to defend him from being sent to the dungeon.

This book is in 3rd person point of view because the narrator tells the story. "Reader, can you imagine your own father not voting against your being sent to a dungeon full of rats?" (DiCamillo 44).

Anonymous said...

Jack G.
To: Jared D.

Is Woods Runner the sequel to Hatchet? If so, could I read it when you are done?

p.s. Why did you post the same summery twice and how did you do it?

Anonymous said...

Austin H.

Brooks Max.World War Z. Crown Publishings.New, York. 2006. Print.

This book is about how a 7 step outbreak decease and how it almost came close to human extinction. The zombie war is about how military from around the world tried to stop the zombies but some cities couldn't plan or even escape from the waves of zombies that came in the thousands at many times. The zombie infection could spread throughout the entire town leaving only twelve survivors fighting for there lives with gardening tools or baseball bats and even if you were lucky firearms.

The point of view of this story is in first person the author is the one telling about his "experiences" of the war on zombies and how he had to leave his family and how he fought in the war on zombies and what he saw during the war.
He tells of one part in the book of how he learned how to kill the zombies with a firearm "Thrust forward, never swing. At first I would aim at the base of there neck . Later, as my skills grew with time and experience ,I learned to strike here..." [ He places hand horizontally against the indentation between the forehead and nose.] ( Brooks 224).

Anonymous said...

To: Shawn B
From: Austin H.

Shawn, does the main character get into trouble for taking the wallet he found. Please respond back to my comment.

Anonymous said...

Alex A

This book is written in first point of view. The main character or narrator is a homeless girl who's street name is 'maybe'. The characters in this book are reffered to as there street name. Maybe's best friend's name is 2moro, "Happy New Year" (Strasser 33) said 2moro. in this chapter of the book 2moro and maybe find a dead body in an alley behind an alley called "piss alley". The polic in the book accuse maybe and 2moro of being the murderers, but they are not.

Anonymous said...

Sierra K

Garcia Kami, Stohl Margaret. Beautiful Creatures. New York: Hachette Books Group, 2009. Print.

Beautiful Creatures, by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, so far Ethan Wate lives in Gatlin, South Carolina. Out of no where Macon Ravenwood’s niece Lena moved in with him while her grandmother, who she mainly lives with, is out of the country for a trip. She started to go to Jackson High with Ethan. Over the summer they both had the same dreams but they didn’t think each other were even real. When Ethan and Lena first met face to face they automatically connected. All the popular kids started to pick on her and she keep thinking stop, stop just stop, but they didn’t, but that set her off and she broke the window with out touching it at all scaring everyone but Ethan. Right now in the book Ethan is meeting the rest of Lena’s family.

Beautiful Creatures is in first person. I know this because the main character, Ethan, expresses his feeling and it says, I, me, and my. “Behind the glasses, I could see a gold glint, like goldfish swimming in a dark pond” (Garcia Stohl 164).

Anonymous said...

To:Jared D.
From:Sierra K.

Woods Runner sounds like a really good book. Why did his parents get taken?

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.

Peterson, Margaret. Double Identity. New York: Aladin Paperbacks, 2005. Imprint.

This book is about how a thirteen year old girl finds herself at her long lost aunt's house on a school night. Her parents drive in their car for hours and show up at a house. The father is talking to the lady asking if she could keep her. Her parents will not tell her where are why she is there. They leave her there and she has no contact with them. Her father calls once and a while. Finally her father tells her why she is there. Bethany is horrified ( thirteen year old girl).
This book is written in 1 person, because it says: I, and my, we. Here is an exaple of how this story uses first person. " I look out the window at the darkness flowing past our car, and all the pinpoints of light on the horizon seem far, far away" (Peterson 1).

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
To: Alex A.

I wonder if someone say them near the daed body and told the police on them. I think they will end up going to jail, because all of the signs point to them.

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.

Cast,Kristen and P.C. Destined. United States: P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast, 2011. print.

This book is about a girl named Zoey who is a vampyre (that's how it's actually spelt in the book). She is mire special then any of the other vampyres though. Unlike only having only one affinity of an element she has an affinity for all five; Earth, wind, fire, water, and spirit. Because of this many people have been after her, trying to kill her, and her group of friends who almost all have one special affinity. together they are very powerful. The evil Nekfert has been trying to dispose of them for more then a year and has now been givin a gift from darkness. A boy who shifts into a bull for her protection. His name is Aurox and is terribly hard to defeat. they want to find out more about him and maybe find a way to lead him to the good path of Nyx, the goddess.

This story is written in first person because it says I, we, and me. "Okay, I know I'm a teenager and all, but I suck at using Skype." (Cast 33)

Anonymous said...

To: Mrs. Evans
From: Savannah L.

I wonder if Cassia will be matched with someone she will fall in love with. What will happen if they don't love each other? If so, do they have to be together? This sounds like a great book from what I've heard so far. I'd love to get my hands on it!