Tuesday, December 20, 2011


DUE DATE/TIME: THURSDAY, December 22nd/11:59pm
1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment and no better than a C grade.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium.

3. Answer the following prompt in a well developed paragraph:

If you could change anything about the main character or the plot of the book, what would it be? Why would you like to make this change?
Be sure to include CITED TEXT to support your opinion.

4. Once you have posted your comment, go back and read through your classmate’s comments about the books they have been reading and comment on one of their posts by asking "I wonder..." questions; or, if you have read the book, you may make more specific comments. Be specific as to which classmate you are responding to.  You must read your classmate’s entries and make a meaningful comment on their work in order to receive an A.


Mrs. Evans said...

Mrs. Evans

Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay. New York: Scholastic Press, 2010. Print.

In the book, Katniss has become the symbol of the rebel’s cause to overthrow the Capital. Sadly, Peeta has been brainwashed to believe that the Capital is good and Katniss is evil. This hurts Katniss because she truly cares for Peeta and wants to rescue him without harm. If I could change one character, I would undo the brainwashing that Peeta has been subjected to so that he can fight with Katniss instead of against her. “ ‘She’s a liar! You can’t believe anything she says...she killed my friends. She killed my family. Don’t even go near her! She’s a mutt!” (Collins 198). A mutt is an evil mutant and Peeta believes Katniss is the cause of his misery.

Anonymous said...

Austin H.
Brooks, Max.World War Z.Crown Publishings.Copyright 2006.New York.Print.

This book is about how Max Brooks went throughout the war on zombies. The story is mostly about how he escaped from his home land (in the book) China. and how the zombie infection spread through out the entire country. THis book is very interesting and I'm almost done with it. " Zombies weren't the only problem we had to deal with back then.There were looters,..." (Brooks 155).

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

Stiefvater, Maggie. Shiver. New York: Scholastic Press, 2009. Print.

The book that I`m reading is called Shiver. The main character in this book is Grace. Grace is the type of girl that is sometimes mean around her boyfriend, Sam. I would like to change her mean attitude to kind because I think that she is mean to people for no reason. " Hmm, it` s all you think about, all you talk about, and all you want us to talk about. What in the world would we call something like that? Oh, yeah! An obsession!" (Stiefvater 46)

Anonymous said...

To: Mrs. Evans
From: Brittany I.

Who brainwashed Peeta? Why did they do it?

Anonymous said...

Alex A.

Todd Strasser. Can't Get There From Here.New York. Simon And Schuster books.

This book is a about a girl who's street name is 'maybe. This girl lives with a tribe of homeless people. All of her friends have street names, like 'Maggot' and 'OG' and her best friend '2moro'. If i could change anything about 'maybe' is that she she cares about her life more. Since she is homeless she has learned not to care and how to hunt for food. I think , maybe should put more care in for her and her friends safety. "it was the middle of the night and the good life deli was the only place open." (Strasser 19)

Anonymous said...

Alex A.

to: Mrs. Evans

How was Peeta brainwashed? I read this book but i completely forget a lot of it.

Anonymous said...

Jason K.
Higson,Charlie.Silverfin.New York:Miramax Books,2005.2005.
The charistic I would change in the main charicter would be to change James Bond’s nagging thought of worry in other people. In the plot ,I would change nothing but the scientist’s worry in their progects when they already know that it would be hopeless. Instead, I would make them attack James and George.I would like to do these things because this action would give to a more action-packed adventure in his “mission”.(No one gave him this mission but himself!)” Kelly was relying on him, waiting outside in the abandoned building for him to return”(Higson 263).”They had done enough; Randolph’s research was ruined,his experiments destroyed, his papers burned……….”everythings gone””What do you mean?””You’re not going to hurt anyone or anything ever again!”(Higson 315).{Please comment, subscribe, and any random thing written down please!}

Anonymous said...

To Alex A.
From Jason k.
Did you ever think about what would you do in that kind of situation?{please respond}

Anonymous said...

Denius S.

Icefire,New York,New York:Scholastic,2003

This book is about david's quest to discover the link between the fire of the last known dragon on earth and the icy regions of the Arctic. His journey is a journey that will change his life forever, a journey that will bring him to the very heart of the lengend of dragons and the mysterious ancient secret of the icefire.

Anonymous said...

Austin H.
Brooks, Max.World War Z.Crown Publishings.Copyright 2006.New York.Print

This book is about how an infection spread throughout the united states and the throughout the world. The first place the infection spread throughout was china and the resin the infection started in china is because it a more populated aria then most countries. The scientist found a frozen zombie in a cave near Beijing. The scientist held the zombies and tested it, but when the zombie thawed out it bit all of the scientists and they got infected. Then the infected bit others and those people bit others and the cycle continues and then in a short hour the people who bit the others become a 'wave' of zombies. Then the people who were not infected become scared and they defend there homes and cities with firearms, gardening tolls and even pipes from there homes. The people who protect themselves during the zombie invasion form groups and they groups fight with other groups in there cities,towns and even countries. The place that didn't service the zombie apocalypse was Austerely. They didn't make it because they never had winter. Winter helped the people who did by freezing the zombies and giving the groups time to travel get some rest and get food and even sometimes trade with other surviving groups. I finished this book and it was amazing to read it had me on the edge of its pages.

Anonymous said...

1. Meghan F

2. Collins,Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York: Scholastic Ink,2009. Ink.

3. If i could change one thing about the plot it is that Katniss actually wanted to be with Petta. She has to fake for the rest of her life now. For example "Make everyone who doubted believe I acted out of love"(Collins 65). I would want to change this because I think that its not fair to Peeta and how he really liked her but she just acted. Also I think that It hurt him a lot and that they would be cute together.

4. To:Mrs.Evans

I am reading the book before yours and i was wondering does Peeta get taken by the Capitol or do they just take him and brain wash him?

Anonymous said...

Sierra K.
Garcia, Kami Stohl,Margaret. Beautiful Creatures. Hachette Book Group: 2009. Print.

In the book, Beautiful Creatures Ethan and Lena go to the movies. During the movie they touch a locket they found and were brought into a flash back. To seeing Ethan Carter Wate, Ethan's ancestor, getting shot during the Great Burning. One thing I would change is the details of how it happened, and how the blood sprayed across the floor with Genevieve by his side trying to keep him alive as long as she can. "Because when she heard the sound of the third drop, her eyes refocused long enough to see Ethan's gray wool jacket sprayed with blood. Shot by the very soldiers he had refused to fight against anymore" (Garcia Stohl 154-155).

Anonymous said...

To:Alex A.
From:Sierra K.

Why do they all have street names?

Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Lynch, Chris. I Pledge Alliegence. New York: Scholastic press, 2011. print.

If i could change one thing in this book it would to be what all the friends wanted beck to do. I would have them keep the pledge but let beck go to collage to get his degrees since he was a smart kid. I would do this because beck hadd a lot going for him and he could have made more money than he needed."Beck is meant for better things hes a briliant guy"(Lynch 35).

Anonymous said...

TO:Austin H.
From: Michael A.

so in this book it is not a real war he is fighting zombies how did the zombies come alive. Why does the infection start in china.

Anonymous said...

Sam B

Sones Sonya. Lush. New York. Simon and Schuter. 2007. Print.

If I could change anything in the plot of the story I would make Robin one of the popular kids at school. I would change this because his new girl friend Sophie is popular at school and he is not, so her two best friends are questioning if they want to hang out with them because Robin is not popular. For example, "how could a girl like her ever have wanted to be with a guy like me ? (Sones 2). He knew she was so popular so he didn't know what would happen to her and her friends if they dated.

Anonymous said...

Sam B
To: Austin H

Is the book just about Max at war with zombies? What happens during the war?

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.

Cast,Kristen and P.C. Destined. United States: P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast, 2011. print.

If i could make any changes for the main characters I would give Zoey deffinite feelings for Aurox. He obviously feels for her in a strange way. He was created to never feel, just destroy. I think that Zoey could really help him and bring him to the good side. Aurox has potential. "It was utterly unexpected and completely unacceptable, but Aurox wanted to comfort Zoey redbird." (Cast 85)

Anonymous said...

To: Mrs. Evans
From: Savannah L.

This sounds like an awesome book. I started reading the first book in this series but never finished. I'm thinking about trying it again.
I wounder if Peeta will ever trust Katniss again?

Anonymous said...

1. Abbey V.

2. Dessen, Sarah. That Summer. USA: The Penguin Group, 1996. Print.

3. One thing I would change about the plot or the main character of the book is that she isn't really telling us where she is. All Haven is really saying is about the Summer that just passed and how her life is different right now, I think in this book I would change how she explain the plot to the reader. " I know these past few years have been tough, but i know things are going to be smooth from here on out. I know your mother would want them to be as well." (Dessen 30).

4. To: Savannah L.

I think that book sounds really good. What is it actually about? Do you think it's the kind of book then will make other students want to read it?