Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Due Date/Time: Thursday, November 17th at 11:59pm
1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment and no better than a C grade.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

3. Write a well developed paragraph summarizing the section of the book you read this week. You do not need to provide background information, I only want to read about what you read this week. Be sure to include a topic sentence, details, at least one piece of properly cited evidence from the text, and a concluding sentence.

4. Write one question to the main character (or one of the main characters) of the book. Explain why you want to ask the character this question.

5. Once you have posted your comment, go back and read through your classmate’s comments about the books they have been reading and comment on one of their posts by asking "I wonder..." questions; or, if you have read the book, you may make more specific comments. Be specific as to which classmate you are responding to.  You must read your classmate’s entries and make a meaningful comment on their work in order to receive an A.


Anonymous said...


Austin H.

Swanson, James. Chasing Lincolns Killer.Scholastic Inc.New York. Scholastic Inc. Copyright 2009.Print.

This book is about how John Wilkes Booth shot the President of the United States of America. This book is also about how his henchmen helped Booth assassinate the president and other government officials. Booths henchmen attacked other people within the office. The henchmen killed the secretary of congress,the secretary of state, and Booth killed Lincoln. This book was a quick and easy read. Most of this book was made up of things that happened in D.C that string, in the swamps, and the next twelve days that came after were made up.

Anonymous said...

Jack G.
Coelho, Paulo. The Alchemist. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1988. print.

The book I've been reading is called the Alchemist. This week the boy, Santiago, finds a store at the top of the hill. The old man in the shop sells crystal and doesn't get customers any more so the boy asks to clean his crystal. The old man lets him. Customers start to come in and buy things so the boy is offered a job. "'I'll work for you," he said. And after another long silence, he added, "I need money to buy some sheep.'"(Coelho 47) To Santiago, how can you tell which one to choose if both rocks fall out at the same time? I ask this because he has a white rock and a black rock. Black means yes and white means no. He uses these rocks through out the story.

Anonymous said...

To: Jack, G.
From: Austin, H.

The book you are reading sounds great but I don't get what the rocks mean. Does Santiago drop the rocks and if the black rock lands first than he answers someone with yes? Please comment back so I can understand what you meant by saying he drops the rocks at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.
D` Lacey, Chris. Icefire. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2003. Print.

So far of what I read is that David has to move out for a couple of days because Aunty Gwyneth is staying for a little while. So, David has to live with Mr. Bacon for a while. While he was there to check out the house, David saw a picture of a ice bear. David reconized the bear as Lorel, a ice bear that was in a dream he had. Then David called Zanna to let her know what he saw. Then they both went to Dr. Bergstrom, David` s college teacher. At the teacher` s house, David and Zanna ask questions. Then David thinks that his essay teacher is the ice bear Lorel.

Anonymous said...

To: Jack G.
From: Brittany I.

Why does the character use a white rock and a black rock? What are they for?

Anonymous said...

Sierra K.
Alender, Katie. Bad Girls Don’t Die. Scholastic: New York. 2009. Print.
Bad Girls Don’t Die is about a girl named, Alexis who is in Surrey High School. She loves to photograph. Everything thing was all fine, family not really talking, having no friends, hang out with the Doom Squad, and get glared at by the cheerleaders. Until Kasey, Alexis’ little sister, ask for help on a project and her mom doesn’t have time to help her. So, she goes down into the basement where Alexis goes to look for her. When she finds her Kasey asks if she could tell her a story. As Alexis got deeper and deeper into the story she couldn’t stop. When they go back up stairs. Kasey bright blue eyes turn green. That’s just the beginning of the crazy things that happen to Alexis, Kasey, and her family. “And maybe I was just tired or something, but- Her eyes… They were green. Vivid green” (Alender 78).
If I could ask Alexis one question it would be what do you like photographing the most? I would ask her this because she likes to take pictures and so do I but I have trouble with timing. I would ask her on pointers and tips on taking pictures if I could.

Anonymous said...

To: Brittany I.
From: Sierra K.

Your book sound interesting but who is Mr.Bacon and what does the picture of the ice bear has to do with the book?

Anonymous said...

Joseph S.

Collins,Suzanne. catching fire. New York: Schoolastic Inc, 2009. print.

This weeks worth of the book is about how Katniss wants Gale, her family, his family, Peeta, and herself to run away into the woods because she saw District 8 rebelling against the Capital. Gale did not like the idea of leaving instead of rebelling so he left and killed a wild turkey. When the new lead peace keeper found out instead of buying it, which is what the last one did, he whipped Gale forty times. He did this before Katniss stepped in and took a whip to the cheek to save her friend. At this point, Gale was already knocked out at the twentith whip. Without Katniss' mom's help, Gale would have died. "...while ordering Prim to pull a series of remidies from the medicine cabinet." (Collins 111)

Anonymous said...

To:Brittany I.
From:Michael A.

This sounds like another book i read. Do you know if this is in a series of books or if the author wrote another book like it.

Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Lynch, Chris. Vietnam I Pledge Allegiance. New York: scholastic press, 2011. Print.

I would ask the main characters why do they allways stick together no mater what? I ask this because the characters always turn down something if one of hem dont get in they all quit. also if one loses they all lose and they all take the same routien every day.

Anonymous said...

To: Austin H.
From:Jack G.

The black rock is Urim and the white rock is Thummim. It is explained in the book that the rocks help to read omens. I didn't get what that meant until the boy did the experiment. He said out loud "is the old mans blessing still with me." and he pulled out Thummim which is yes. He asked another which was: will I find my treasure. He went to pull out one but the two fell through a hole in his pouch so it was a maybe. He doesn't remember a hole being there before though. So in a way I guess the rocks are like a coin being heads or tails.

Anonymous said...

To: Brittany I.
From: Jack G.

So is Icefire like a power they get? Or the message in the book?

Anonymous said...

Joshua C.
Riordon, Rick, The Son of Neptune, New York, New York Times,2011 print
One thing I would ask the main character is why do you depend so much on your friends. when it comes to the end they are usely not there for you. also how come percy could figure out that he could only kill a gaint by a god working with a demigod. and finaly how come you could talk to animals and levitate water but you couldent call your friends.

Anonymous said...

Sam B.

Natasha friend. Bounce. New York. Schoolatsic press. 2006. Print.

The section I'm reading about is about the main character Evyn and his step mom. Evyn is having some problems with his step mom because he is not that used to her yet. If I had to ask the main character a question it would be, how are u going to work things out with your step mom ? I would ask that question because he will soon have to learn to get along with his step mom because he will have to live with her.

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.

White, Kiersten. Paranormalcy. New York: Schoolastic Inc., 2010. Print

Evie, the main character, has fallen in love with a shape shifting, unknown species of paranomal named Lend. Secretly he loves her too. While they are spending time together they are clueless as to the evil paranormal called the "empty one" that is taking the lives and souls of other paranormals. Soon Evie finds out that she is also an "empty one" but refuses to take souls. She soon learns that the love of Lend is enough to keep her filled without hurting anyone. This makes Vivian, the other "empty one", furiouse to see that Evie is happy without her cruel ways.

My question for Evie would be; How long do you think you can control the urge to steal souls?

Anonymous said...

To: Jack G.
From:Savannah L.

I wonder what the black and white rocks could be used for and why he needs to buy sheep? All in all this sounds like a pretty good book. Maybe i'll read it sometime.

Anonymous said...

Jared "IsAGoodStudent" D

Cody, Matthew. Powerless. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009. Print

The book "Powerless" by Matthew Cody is about a boy Daniel who moves to a new town because his Grandmother is sick. The town he moves to is the "safest town on earth" and Daniel explained it as "couldn't sound lamer". But he meets new friends, friends with super powers! They can fly, turn invisible, and more! But when they turn 13 they lose their powers. Daniel has to find a way to fight this villian that steals powers because if anyone else does they might lose theirs.

Anonymous said...

Jared D extended comment

My question to Daniel is: "If you had the option to have powers would you take them? Because you would be able to have powers but not be able to help with being in danger."

Anonymous said...

From: Jared D
To: Savannah L

If Evie is able to take lives and souls but refuses to, what makes the other "empty one" have the urge to take them?

Anonymous said...

Meghan F

Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York : Scholastic Press, 2009. Ink .

My book "Catching Fire" is about a girl Katniss who has one the hunger games . But even though she won the hunger game so did her "lover" a guy named Peeta. They are in the worst time right now even though their not in the games. Peeta and Katniss grow apart and it will be to hard to try and be the lovers they pretended to be. Now they have to choose lovers or not and then face the things that may happen if their love fails them.If i could ask Katniss a question it would be how are you going to fix thing between you and Peeta? i would ask this because they re supposed to be lovers but they cant look each other in the eye.

Anonymous said...

Doiminique M.
Horowitz,Anthony.Skeleton Key.New York:Scholastic Incorperation,2002.Print.
So far this book is about a person named Crawley who gave a spy a mission to a teenager (Alex-spy). His mission is to go to a place called Wimbledon(tennis tournament place)and check to see if anything starnge is happening. Crawley thinks there is something going on over there so he sent Alex. Alex agreed to go when he went there he looked around and investigated, he saw a guard with a strange tattoo of a red circle. He was talking on the phone, Aex lisened to his coversation and heard he was meeting someone the next day. So the next day he followed him but when he got there he figured out it was a trap, he turned around and saw a fork lift with wood pieces on it about to hit him. He ran and got away twice, the driver got knocked out of his seat and came after him (driver is the guard). He runs into to a huge fridgerator the guard hits his head and is out cold. He also figured out why they were after hhim. He found out that they have been puutting an illegal drug in the water machine so whenever the tennis people get water they are confused, which causes them to lose. Each game you get a lot of money to." And so he laid a trap so obvious that i wouldn't ave fooled...well a schol boy"(Horowitz41). My question goes to Alex, why did you agree to go to Wimbledon even though you were through with being a soy, afetr you got shot at and almost died. I am asking this question because this is a main part of he story, plus I am curious of what the answer is.

Anonymous said...

To : Sam B
From : Meghan F

why does your character have a problem with the step mom? Also this sounds like a book i would read.

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
To: Sam B.
I think that eventually through the story your character will get use to his step mom. They will probably be as close as your character was with his real mom. I think that you mae a meaningful comment.

Anonymous said...

Joseph S.

Collins,Suzanne. catching fire. New York: Schoolastic Inc, 2009. print.

This weeks worth of the book is about how Katniss wants Gale, her family, his family, Peeta, and herself to run away into the woods because she saw District 8 rebelling against the Capital. Gale did not like the idea of leaving instead of rebelling so he left and killed a wild turkey. When the new lead peace keeper found out instead of buying it, which is what the last one did, he whipped Gale forty times. He did this before Katniss stepped in and took a whip to the cheek to save her friend. At this point, Gale was already knocked out at the twentith whip. Without Katniss' mom's help, Gale would have died. "...while ordering Prim to pull a series of remidies from the medicine cabinet." (Collins 111)
The question I have for Katniss is, if you couldn't run away what would you plan?

Anonymous said...

to Meghan F

from Joseph S

Im reding the same book and I think that is a good question I wonder the same thing.

Anonymous said...

1. Meghan F

2. Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York : Scholastic Ink, 2009. Ink

3. My book "Hunger Games" is about a girl named Katniss you has just gotten out of the hunger games . You would think she would be so happy to see her family. But things in her house are not going so well . the president of snow has come. She has been tolled she may be killed but not when or how . things just took a scary turn for her as she is about to be going on a tour. for example "Im staring into the snakelike eyes of President Snow'(Collins 17). Thats what my character in my book is faceing right now.

4. If i could ask Katniss one question it would be how are you going to stay alive for your family?

5. To: Savannh L
From: Meghan F

Your book sounds very interesting like something i would read. I wonder how the girl knows what the shape shifter is?

Anonymous said...


Austin H.

Grahame, Seth. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. Boston:Grand Central Publishing, 2010. Print.

This book is about how young Abe Lincoln hunts down and kills vampires. He does this because Abe's father made a deal with a vampire and the deal was that if Abe's father couldn't get a certain amount of money than the vampire would kill Abe's mother " His face was gone-a demon's in its place. A window to hell. Black eyes and white skin and teeth as long and sharp as a wolf's God strike me down if I lie.
"....I'll take it in other ways." (Grahame 52).
The question I would want to ask Abe is, "Why did he stalk every person he thought that was a vampire? Also, if he did kill them why didn't he bring their heads to someone to show them that vampires are real?"

Anonymous said...

To: Jared D.
From: Savannah L.

Vivian, the other "empty one" was made and raised to take souls but when Evie was first made her creators (the not-so-smart faries) lost her and she was raised by humans so Evie didn't know that she was supposed to take souls to live. Vivian did know, and was selfish so she took the lives and souls of other to keep herself from dying. Evie always thinks of others and when she did find out her destiny she said she would rather die than take innocent lives.

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.

White, Kiersten. Paranormalcy. New York: Schoolastic Inc., 2010. Print

Evie, the main character, has fallen in love with a shape shifting, unknown species of paranomal named Lend. Secretly he loves her too. While they are spending time together they are clueless as to the evil paranormal called the "empty one" that is taking the lives and souls of other paranormals. Soon Evie finds out that she is also an "empty one" but refuses to take souls. She soon learns that the love of Lend is enough to keep her filled without hurting anyone. This makes Vivian, the other "empty one", furiouse to see that Evie is happy without her cruel ways. "I don't want anything to do with the faeries or with taking souls or any of that."(white 290).
My question for Evie would be; How long do you think you can control the urge to steal souls?

Anonymous said...

Jared "IsAGoodStudent" D

Cody, Matthew. Powerless. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009. Print.
Powerless is about a boy named Daniel who moves to a town self-proclaimed as "the safest town on earth" (Cody 2)and Daniel finds it "lame" but he ends up finding it more then lame. His new friends have super powers ! But when they turn 13 they lose them. And when they find out it's someone who steals them, Daniel has to fight him, and use detective work to find him. Because if anyone else does they can lose their powers and have fought for nothing. The question I would ask Daniel is, "would you want powers? Because you wouldn't be able to help your friends with them but you would be able to do stuff like them."

Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Lynch, Chris. I pledge allegiance. New York: scholastic press 2011 print.

This book so far is about a group of boys in the sixth grade and they stick together no mater what. I the first couple pages they talk about their personalities. The in the next chapter they talk about how they met and what happened when they met. They also say that if one goes they all go and this stops when they all start to like the same girl."it's up to Evelyn" (lynch 14) if I were to ask a question I would be why would they let a girl get between their unbreakable friendship.