Tuesday, November 8, 2011


DUE DATE/TIME: Thursday, Novemberr 10th/11:59pm
1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment and no better than a C grade.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

3.  Choose one of the reading strategies and write a well developed paragraph for your novel:

·    CONNECTION An aspect of the novel reminds you of something in                                 the world, of yourself personally, or to another book                                 that you have read.
·   PREDICTION  A logical guess at future events in the story.

*** Be sure to include a QUOTE from the book in your paragraph ***

4. Once you have posted your comment, go back and read through your classmate’s comments about the books they have been reading and comment on one of their posts by asking "I wonder..." questions; or if you have read the book you may make more specific comments. Be specific as to which classmate you are responding to.  You must read your classmate’s entries and make a meaningful comment on their work in order to receive an A.


Anonymous said...



Alexie,Sherman. The AbSolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. Scholastic.Coyright 2007.New York. Print.

I pridect that Junior is going to get into a fight with another tribe of natives. I predict this because his friend Rowdy broke windows of mini vans and smashed a dent into the side of the car aswell as breaking off the side rearveiw merrior. "Glass broke every were. Rowdy grabed a shovle that somebody had been useing to dig barbecue holes and went after that van . Just beat the crap out of it" (Alexie 21).

Anonymous said...

Sierra K.
Alender, Katie. Bad Girls Don’t Die. Scholastic: New York, 2009. Print.
I can connect to the main character in “Bad Girls Don’t Die” Alexis. Alexis is a girl that stands out but is different and not very liked. I am the same way I don’t let people push me around or let people talk down on me or my friends and family without a fight. Alexis’s little sister, Kasey, is friends with, Pepper’s little sitter. Pepper started to pick on Kasey and blaming her she broke her sister’s arm when she slipped and fell breaking it when she fell, which Alexis mad. Making her stand up for her little 13 year old sister. This is like when a kid started to pick on my little brother for wearing a shirt that was purple. I was standing right next to him as he started to cry I started to yell standing up for him. I may not like him very much but he’s my little brother and no one can hurt his feelings. Alexis is the same way about her little sister. “‘Your sister broke my sister’s arm,’ Pepper said. ‘Oh, please.’ ‘Mimi told me the whole story’” (Alender 22).

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

Adornetto, Alexandra. Halo. New York: Square Fish, 2010. Print.

In this book, I am going to predict that Bethony will make friends with Molly, a human she meet when she went to school for the mission she has to do along with her sister Ivy and her brother Gabebriel. All three of them are angels sent from heavan.I predict that Bethony will get close to Molly as a friend because Bethony is the most human evan though she` s a angel. The reason I say this because Bethony is more prone to break down to be with other human beings. Her brother and sister have less feelings.

Anonymous said...

To:Brittany I.
From:Sierra K.

I think this book sounds somewhat like a love story but I’d love to read it when i'm done with "Big Girls Don't Die" and see what it's about. It seems interesting and good.

Anonymous said...

To: Sierra K.
From: Brittany I.

I think this book sounds creepy and scary. I want to know what will happen. Tell me if there is any scary creatures like ghosts and monsters. I` m not a big fan on scary and horror books, but I what to read and see what happens in a different such as this one.

Anonymous said...

To: Sierra K.
From: Brittany I.

This book is great so far. It is a love story between a angel and a human. Love it!!

Anonymous said...

I predict that sence Peeta and Katniss desided to just be friends insted of pretending to be crazily in love, presidant Snow will try to exacute Katniss's family and friends."Now I've endangered Gale and his family and my family and peeta, too,..."(Collins 28).

Anonymous said...

Joseph S.

Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York: Schoolastic Inc, 2009. print.

I predict that sence Peeta and Katniss desided to just be friends insted of pretending to be crazily in love, presidant Snow will try to exacute Katniss's family and friends."Now I've endangered Gale and his family and my family and peeta, too,..."(Collins 28).

Anonymous said...

to: Joseph S.

From: Alex A.
Why does presidant snow want to exacute Katniss' family? Did her family do something that is frowned upon?

Anonymous said...

Joseph S

He wants to becuse she almost did suicide at the same time as Peeta so he stoped them and he declared them both winners when there can only be one winner, so basically she denied the Capital of Panem where she lived.

Anonymous said...

To: Joseph S.

From:Austin H.

I read the whole series of the Hunger Games and I liked the books a lot. I couldn't stop reading them. Do you feel the same way about the books and did you like the first book?

Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Hinton, S.E.. The Outsiders. New York: The Viking Press, 1996. print.

I predict that later in this book this book the boy will get in alot of trouble with other people and wll be shuned. He will be shunned because he he does something bad. I think he do something bad because all the teens in books do something to get in trouble or help someone get in trouble. (when i steped out into the sunlight from the darkness of the movie theater i had two things on my mind).(Hinton 1) i think this because normaly teens go to the movie theaters alone.

Anonymous said...

to:Austin H.
from:Michael A.

Is this a good book it sounds like a historical fiction is. Who do you think will win if they do fight? will let me have the book when your done with it

Anonymous said...

Joshua .C
Landon, Kristen, The Limit, Scholastic INC, Copyright 2010, New York. Print.
I can connect to this book because the kid Mathew is very smart in math and a very good athlete. (Page 1 Landon) “Yeah baby who’s the free throw King” he is also snobby because he thinks he can do anything. Mathew is also a hacker witch means that he can get on to any site on the internet with no problems. But Mat is a big spender and forgets about the limit and if he goes over the limit he gets pulled away from home and stuck into warehouses. These warehouses are so that the family can get under there dept.

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.

White, Kiersten. Paranormalcy. New York: Schoolastic Inc., 2010. Print.

I predict the the main character, Evie, and the strange shap shifting boy, Lend, will soon fall in love. They have both showed signs of interest but nothing is official yet. I also predict that they will get to the bottom of the type of paranormal they both are since they are both "unknown species" at the moment. I think that Lend will help get Evie get out of the IPCA (International Paranormal Containment Agency) once he is released from being help captive. Lend says "I want to get You out of here. You deserve normal things, like a locker." (White 155).

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.

White, Kiersten. Paranormalcy. New York: Schoolastic Inc., 2010. Print.

I predict that the main character, Evie, and the strange shape shifting boy, Lend, will soon fall in love. They have both showed signs of interest but nothing is official yet. I also predict that they will get to the bottom of the type of paranormal they both are since they are both "unknown species" at the moment. I think that Lend will help get Evie get out of the IPCA (International Paranormal Containment Agency) once he is released from being help captive. Lend says "I want to get You out of here. You deserve normal things, like a locker." (White 155).

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
Horowitz, Anthony. Skeleton Key.NewYork:Scholastic Inc.,2002.Print
I think that the that General Sarov will either get all or almost all of the grade uranium (a bomb, so he can blow up the whole world.The people who sent him the bomb had made him pay more money for the bomb, he made them crash and get stuck in a swamp(by redeirecting the lights on the run way). The people he trapped on the sinking Cessna Skyhawk (like a airplane)will probabaly find a way to get out. They will stop him before he blows up the world. And Alex will get caught spying around the Wimbledon, pretending to be a tennis ball boy)."' He led us into the mangroves'...Swamp water was even now pouring in as they slowly sank beneath the surface"(Horowitz12).

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
To:Savannah L.
I think that so far you're prediction seems true. Your quotes are making sense with you're prediction. So I think when you're done reading the book you wil be correct with you're prediction.

Anonymous said...

Alex A
Hirsch, Jeff. Scholastic press. New York. 2011. Print

I predict that in the story Stephen and his father will go in to the plane."I drew the scope down along the length of the plane marveling at its size until i came to the tail where i could make out a big white star." I also predict that they will find food in the plane or something very usefull because they are trapped in the wilderness.

Anonymous said...

Atalia R
Lin, Grace. Where The Mountain Meets The Moon. New York: Little Brown And Company, 2009. Print.
I predict that Minli the daughter of some peasants she calls them ma and ba. Minli’s father ba tells her stories all the time of how the fruitless mountain became that, a bare mountain. In their village everything is dull with mud and everybody work hard all day. Minli’s personality is anything but dull she is full of excitement. I think that she will go searching for the man on the moon to ask him how to make their village wealthy. I think this because on page 28 Minli’s goldfish starts talking to Minli about how she went to the Never Ending Mountain. I believe the fish will tell Minli how to get to the mountain to save her village.

Anonymous said...

To: Dominique M
From: Atalia R
That book sounds interesting, how is it so far? I think the people in the plane will survive as well. It seems like that book is suspenseful, I love to read books like that. I also saw you reading the hunger game book I wanted to know if that was also a good book.

Anonymous said...

To: Austin H
From: Denius S
That book the absolutely true diary of a part time idian sounds very interesting.It seems like that book is about idians and differnt native tribes, i like those kind of books they really tell u a lot about differnt kinds of indians and how they lived.