Tuesday, October 25, 2011


DUE DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 27th/11:59pm
1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment and no better than a C grade.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

3. In a well developed paragraph, describe the setting of the book. If this book takes place in multiple locations, please select the one that you feel to be most important to the plot or the one that is occurring at this point in your book. Include a piece of properly cited evidence from the text to help demonstrate the setting. Remember that the setting includes both time and place.
*** Be sure to include a QUOTE from the book in your paragraph ***

PEER COMMENT Due by FRIDAY, 10/28 at 11:59pm

4.  You must read your classmate’s entries and make a meaningful comment on their work by FRIDAY, 10/28 at 11:59pm in order to receive an A.


Anonymous said...

Austin Healey.

Lynch,Chris.Vietnam I Pledge Allegiance.Scholastic Press.2011.Print.

The setting of this book takes place in a few areas. These areas are Vietnam, on the USS Boston, and in the battlefield during the time when the friends were fighting in the jungle. The main setting of this book is mostly on the boat The USS Boston. The time setting of this book is from 1959-April 30,1975. From the start of the Vietnam War to the end of it.

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

Cremer, Andrea. Wolfsbane. New York: Philomel Books, 2011. Print

The main setting in this book takes place in Cinque Terre, Italy. The place that Calla is living for now in the book is called a Academy. The Academy is surrounded by a large expanse of ocean water. There is also a little beach that encircles the whole Academy. Somewhere on the beach is a little garden that Calla likes to go to clear her head. There is also a greenhouse to grow herbs and other healthy garden foods.

Anonymous said...

To: Austin H.
From: Brittany I.

What is the book about? It seems like a action and gore kind of book because the war part gave it away. I`m not really that interested in war books, but I want to learn about it and see how it is.

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

Cremer, Andrea. Wolfsbane. New York: Philomel Books, 2011. Print

The main setting in this book takes place in Cinque Terre, Italy. The place that Calla is living for now in the book is called a Academy. The Academy is surrounded by a large expanse of ocean water. There is also a little beach that encircles the whole Academy. Somewhere on the beach is a little garden that Calla likes to go to clear her head. There is also a greenhouse to grow herbs and other healthy garden foods. “’Cinque Terre’ Conner answered. “She frowned. ‘Where?’ ‘Italy’” (Cremer 348) .

Anonymous said...

To: Brittany I.
From: Austin H.

This book is definitely filled with action but not a gore. It's good.

Anonymous said...

To: Brittany I.
From: Austin H.

This book sounds good. Is Calla a werewolf? I am asking this because of the name of the book. Is this book one that girls would be more interested in? The beginning sounds like both but your ending sounds like its more for girls.

Anonymous said...

Alex A

Boyne, John. The Boy In Striped Pajamas: David Fickling Books, 2006print.

the settng of this book is in Berlin. The house in Berlin was a very nice home. Bruno the main charecter had children to play with all up and down the street. Bruno was very happy in this home. Bruno and his family move to a country home in the wood where there are no kids to play with and nothing to do. "The new house, however, stood all on its own in the empty, desolate place and there were no other houses anywhere to be seen."

Anonymous said...

Joseph S.

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Schoolastic Inc, 2008. Print.

The main setting of this book is the Hunger Games arena. The arena changes every year but in the current year in the book, it is mostly forest with little water and mediam sized rocks and anmals, but many are not dangerous. There are also poisinous berries, hidden traps and little supplis. "We're on a flat, open strech of ground. A plain of hard-packed dirt. Behind the tributs across from me, I can see nothing indicating either a steep downward slope or even a cliff. to my right lies a lake. to my left and back, sparse piney woods."

Anonymous said...

Jack G.

Collins, Suzanne. Catching fire. New York:Scholastic Inc, 2009. Print.

The main setting in the book is in the arena. The cornucopia is surrounded by water. There are strips of land jutting out from the island that the cornucopia is on. There is also a beach and a very big jungle. "At first,it appears to be sitting on a circular island. But on closer examination, I see the thin strips of land radiating from the circle like the spokes on a wheel."(Collins 268)

Anonymous said...

Kylie M.

Paulsen, Gary. Hatchet. New York. Children's Publishing Division. 1987. Print.

The main setting in this book is in the wilderness of Canada. For the very beginning Brian was in a plane, however the plane crashed and that's how he ended up in the middle of the woods. This setting is very important to the book because this is what makes the story interesting. Here, thirteen year old Brian is all alone since the pilot died, so he has to take all of his knowledge and apply it to his situation. To him, this is a matter of life and death. The forest is full of deadly animals, plants and unsafe weather unless he makes shelter for himself. Brian may have his hatchet, but that does not guarantee his life. Luckily he landed in a pond and survived, supplying him with water. " He pulled his legs out of the lake and crawled on his hands and knees until he was away from the wet-soft shore and near a small stand of brush of some kind"(Paulsen 34).

Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Lupica, Mike, The Batboy, New York: Scholastic inc., 2010. print.

this book takes place in many place around the usa since it is about a batboy for the cleveland indians. But itmainly takes place at the indians field durring the games. it i important because the boy uses this for his well loved summer job and it is aswell his summer dream job. This was a hard job to get since everyone wanted tis for a job.

Anonymous said...

To: Alex A.
From: Michael A.

Is this a good book i never knew that it took place in berlin does he trave out of the woods at any time and does he ever find anyone to play with.

Anonymous said...

Sam B

Burg,Anne. All the brocken pieces. New York. Schoolastic Press. 19777. Print.

In this book the setting takes place in the past and preasent. In the story the main character, Matt, tells about his memories from his childhood when he played baseball in the past. Also, in the preasent the setting takes place in Matts house. Matt thinks that he is haunted from the memories from when he was in the vietnamn war. He also has to make some dissuasions.

Anonymous said...

To: Alex A
From: Sam B

This book sounds very interesting. Is the book just about how the family moves to a different country?

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.

Anonymous. Go Ask Alice. Simon & Schuster Inc.: Simon Pulse. 1971. Print.

This book is about a girl named Alice who has just moved away from her hometown to start at a new school. Surprisingly she's excited. She has recently made a new friend who over the year has become her best friend. For her summer vacation she has no other choice then to spend the summer with her grandmother back in her hometown because her best friend Beth is at summer camp. As she came back the "popular kids" Started noticing her and they invited her to a get together where they introduced her to drugs.

The setting of this story is over Alice's summer vacation that she spent back in her hometown at her granparents house. For a while she was bored out of her mind and then she started to hang out with the popular kids, where she tried drugs for the first time. She has to chose whether or not she wants to stick with these types of people and do drugs or drop them and their bad desisions.

Anonymous said...

To: Kylie M.
From: Savannah L.

This sounds like such a fun, action packed book! I can tell from the setting that this book is awesome. When you finish tell me how you liked it and maybe I'll pick it up sometime!

Anonymous said...

Black,Holly,Zombies VS. UnicornsMargaret K. McEldery.Simon and Shester.2010.2010
The setting for this story is at Lychgate where the deadcome back for the living and the curse for this terible act is death.The place and the punishments all act together to create a non-excapeable curse that lingers on the sinners decendents."thats why the Curse sticks to the inhabitants of Lychgate like glue"(Clare 327)

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering about the cornucopia but the book never says the meaning of a cornucopia.I've read the book and theat part never fits with the setting?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering who put the curse on these people or creatures and what the curse stick?

Anonymous said...

Atalia R.

Carter, Ally. Don't Judge A Girl by Her Cover. New York: Hyperion Books, 2009. Print.

The main setting of this book is at a spy school also known as Gallagher Academy. At this academy the characters in this book are taught spy skills. It is a very large building, which has plenty of hidden passage ways and doors. The school is mainly for girls, however boys are taught in one specific wing at the academy. The students are taught many spy skills such as self defense and mind control techniques.

Anonymous said...

Simpson D.

Riordan,Rick,The son of Neptune,Hyperion books.2011 printThe book i'm reading is called The son of Npetune and it's a great book, it's about percy losing his memory and he wakes up at camp jupiter. he meets new friends named hazel and frank.

Anonymous said...

To Kylie M.
From Atalia R.

That book sounds very interesting. I have read another book by that author called "A Dogs Life". It was a really good book.

Anonymous said...

Atalia R.

Carter, Ally. Don't Judge A Girl by Her Cover. New York: Hyperion Books, 2009. Print.

The main setting of this book is at a spy school also known as Gallagher Academy. At this academy the characters in this book are taught spy skills. The main character Cammie was once protecting her friend from kidnappers and went though steps in her head and the friends made it out safely. It is a very large building, which has plenty of hidden passage ways and doors. The school is mainly for girls, however boys are taught in one specific wing at the academy. The students are taught many spy skills such as self defense and mind control techniques. The teachers at this school are very strict. Cammie says " After all I haven't broken any rules". This story takes place in modern day times. I know this because of the technology they are using.

Anonymous said...

Meghan F

Collins,Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic ink, 2008. Ink.

My book The Hunger Games is set in the future. The capitol of all of the districts in Panem have something called the hunger games. These hunger games take place in a large group of land. This is where one boy and girl from each district fight till the death.

Anonymous said...

Megan F
To: Sam B

I have read that book. It gets better once you are farther into it.

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.

Korman, Gordon. Zoo Break. New York: Scholastic Press, 2009.Print.
The setting that is important in my book is when the kids go to the Floating Zoo, to steal a monkey. They are trying to figure out a way to bust the monkey out, without the mean Zookeeper noticing. The monkey (Cleopatra) was stolen from there friend’s (Savannah) backyard. The time would be around the 1900’s and 2007, the story talks about computers and wireless cameras. In the olden days there wasn’t computers invented. Also the wireless cameras are new because you don’t have to plug them in anywhere. “And suddenly, as it was all truly great plans, Operation Zoo Break appeared, fully formed, in Griffin’s imagination” (Korman37).

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
To: Atalia R.
I think that is a cool book, I think that Cammie will end up breaking rules. Because at the end of you're sentence it said she didnt brake any rules. You should read Zoo Break it is similar because the kids are almost like spies. Because they have to break in to the Floating Zoo without the Zookeeper noticing.

Anonymous said...

To: Jason K.
From: Jack G.

The cornucopia is the horn that you usually see at Thanks Giving. You know, the one with all the food coming out of it. I guess its to represent the prize that the district gets if they win the hunger games. If you've read it , which you have, you know that in the beginning they get the air drop of food I think every month. That's what I think it's there anyway.