Tuesday, October 11, 2011


DUE DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 13th/11:59pm
1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment and no better than a C grade.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

3.  Choose one of the reading strategies and write a well developed paragraph for your novel:

·    CONNECTION An aspect of the novel reminds you of something in                                  the world, of yourself personally, or to another book                                 that you have read.
·   PREDICTION  A logical guess at future events in the story.
·    INFERENCE     A logical guess at a character’s feelings or                                             motivation in the story.

*** Be sure to include a QUOTE from the book in your paragraph ***

PEER COMMENT Due by FRIDAY, 10/14 at 11:59pm

4.  You must read your classmate’s entries and make a meaningful comment on their work by FRIDAY, 10/14 at 11:59pm in order to receive an A.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Kylie M.

Condie, Ally. Matched. New York. The Penguin Group. 2010. Print

I have finished the book Matched, and I can connect this book with a previous book I read called, The Chosen One. I can connect them because in each story the main girl characters have arranged engagements. One with her uncle the other with her childhood friend. Yet each one loves another boy in their lives. Then begins each girl's adventure. Kyra from The Chosen One starts bending the rules exactly like Cassia does from Matched. Kyra reads forbidden books and Cassia learns to write. In the end they both have success in their ambitions even though they may not be fully complete, they follow their hearts and hopes. "She knows what I want. She knows and even though she would not destroy a tissue sample or love someone who was not her match, she still loves us, even though we have done those things" (Condie, 361).

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sam B to
Kylie M

I think that both books sound great. I would like to read one of these books some day. I would also like to learn mee about the book. I think both book would be a great book choice to read. I also like how in both books the girl goes on an adventure and she is in love with someone else during an engagement. Please let me know more about both books.

Anonymous said...

Austin H.

Lynch,Chris.I Pledge Allegiance.New York.Scholastic Inc.2011.print

This book is about four friends who go off to fight in the Vietnam War. I predict that Morris will dream about the death of his three friends. But this time he will have them in Vietnam. The statement 'You are hereby directed to present yourself for Armed Forces Physical Examination...'(Lynch page 28) shows they are headed off to war.

Anonymous said...

To: Alex A
From: Austin H

Does Ari's mom die like Harry Potter? or have you not gotten there yet? Let me know.

Anonymous said...

Meghan F

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic press, 2008. Ink.

In my book The Hunger Games the main character Katniss she has done something very brave. At first I didn’t see it coming. But I predict that when she leaves for the hunger games she will find out a way to win. I predict this because she is a very cleaver girl and she also is fast, smart, and pays attention. “You’re so fast and brave”(Collins 36). I also believe she will find a way because of her little sister. She loves her little sister and I think she will fight to come home to her.

Anonymous said...

Meghan F

To:Sam B

This sounds like a good book. But is the whole book just about her father or is it about her dealing with her fathers problems? Also do you think that it would be a good enough book to recomend?

Mrs. Evans said...

Mrs. Evans

Carter, Ally. Heist Society. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2010. Print.

Heist Society is about a teen girl named Kat who has decided to leave her life of crime as a thief and try to live a normal life. She cons her way into a boarding school only to be framed for a prank she did not do by a former friend named Hale. Because Kat no longer wants to be a thief, I can infer that something bad happened on a previous job to make her want to leave the “family business.” Hale picked her up when she got expelled from the school and told her that he had another job for only her to do. Kat says, “ ‘I don’t want a job.’ ‘You’ll want this one.’ ‘I’m out of the family business. Or haven’t you heard?’” (Carter 15). Hale then tells Kat that her father is in danger.

Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Hirsch, Jeff. Eleventh plague. New York: scholastic press, 2011. Print.

I predict that later in this book the eleventh plague will spread through Stephen and his father and they will spread the infection but not catch it. I think it will spread because the grandfather had the sickness but he didn’t spread it. Also now it can spread since they are in a highly populated area and if it was dormant and not active it will spread faster and wipe out the city after they leave. “he’d always been thin but the infection took another ten pounds off him before he went”( Hirsch , pg.3 ).

Anonymous said...

to:Austin H.
from:Michael A.

wat time during the war does this book take place is it a true story

Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

Perkins, Lynne, Rae. Criss Cross. New York: Harper Collins Books, 2005. Print.

In this book, I will predict that Debbie will get what she had wished for. I predict this because in the beginning of the book, Debbie wishes that something will happen to her. Something good.
“Debbie thought, I wish something different would happen.Something good.To me ” (Perkins 2).

Anonymous said...

To: Sam B.
From: Brittany I.

I think your book sounds great. Maybe I will read it next. Hope you have liked it.

Anonymous said...

Sierra K.
Hahn, Mary Downing. Closed For The Season. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009. Print.
Closed For The Season is about a boy named Logan. He just moved into a new house in Bealesville. After he moved in, the boy next door, Arthur, told him about how Mrs. Donaldson got murdered in that house three years before they moved in. She was pushed down the stairs and died there from head injuries. Her dog, Bear, also got injured to the head but wasn’t killed. He lies on the back porch waiting for Mrs. Donaldson to come back. I can infer Logan seems nervous about moving into the new house. He is happy about the change of school but he doesn’t want to live in a house where someone got murdered in. “… I found myself hoping Arthur was right about the termites. The sooner the house fell down, the sooner we’d move to a nice house in Fair Oaks where no one had been murdered” (Hahn, 13).

Anonymous said...

To: Mrs.Evans
From:Sierra K.
The book your reading sounds interesting when I am done with the book I'm reading I hope I could read it.

Anonymous said...

Joseph S.

Pfeffer,Susan. Life as we knew it. Orlando: Harcourt, Inc., 2006. print.

I can connect to this book because I live with two other boys one older and one younger but they are both stronger like Meranda's brothers, Matt and Jonny. I also get into fights with my mom alot like Meranda did and like Meranda learned family always comes first.
"'I love you,' I seid. I couldn't remember the last time I seid that to Mom"(Pfeffer 86).

Anonymous said...

Joseph S.

to: Megan F

From just what you seid I have enough information to agree so I'd say that is a great blog post also I think I'll read that book it sounds cool.

Anonymous said...

Sam B
To Meghan F

No the book is also how she deals wig her problems in life. I would very much recommend this book to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Jack G.

Riordan, Rick. Son of Neptune. New York: Disney, 2011. Print.

I predict that in the next book both camps will finally meet. I predict this because in the end Percy says that he wants them to meet his other family. "'Come on," he said. "Let me introduce you to my other family.'"(Riordan p.513)
I can infer that "other family" means other camp.

Anonymous said...

Alex A

Keaton Kelly. Darkness Becomes Her. New York. Simon Pulse. 2011.

This book is about a girl named Ari, Ari is on a search to find information about her mother. I can relate this to a movie called Harry Potter. The difference is that Harry knew his mother but Ari did not."I did'nt come all this way to give up now. i want to know"(Keaton 2)

Anonymous said...

Alex A
To: Austin H

No Ari's mom commits suicide. She was delusional.

Anonymous said...

Burg Ann. All the Broken Pieces. NY Schoolastic Press. 1997. Print.

This book is about a man named Matt who is a Vietnam soldier and is dealing with some life problems. I just started reading this book and I have to say that it is quite interesting. I can predict that Matt will soon become use to his house and become more comfortable living in it. "at night when the walls think I'm asleep, I can hear the news on tv. I hear them talk (Burg 7 ). I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in haunted houses and soldiers.

Anonymous said...

Jack G.
to Austin H.

The book sounds cool. I guess I like books that have to do with war. Would you mind if I read it next?

People are spelling "said" wrong! How does that happen?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Reeve,Philip. A Web of Air. Scholastic Press. New York. 2010 print.
This book is about a girl named Fever who is taking care of two kids. Fever’s mom is taking over London with mercenaries and is not with her14 year old daughter. I predict that during Fever's little trip, she is going to get hit by the monstrous wave that hit the island nearly ten years before. I expect this because the island is on the end of the world in this book. In the book, all the animals have gone to higher ground. This scares me because if Fever dies her mother will be heartbroken and there will only be her mom left of her kind. Homo superior the next evolution from homo sapiens. The brighter species of mankind.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Jarod M.
Brewer,Heather.Eighth Grade Bites.Dutton Publisher,2007.Print
I think Vladimir is going to try to find his parents killer and get through 9th grade with a new set a adventures

Anonymous said...

Ashley W.

shoutout is my book an in the book there are this varsity highschool soccer teem that drank alcohol when they took a no alcohol pleadge that's were your not supposed to drink any alcohol and that team got suspended from playing in the big championship game and then the back up team has to come in and play for them.I think the back up team is going to win the championship and the varsity team is going to be mad at the back up team for going in and playing for them and winning and getting all the credit when the varsity did all the work getting to the championship torment

Anonymous said...

Savannah L.
Meyer, Stephenie. The short second life of bree tanner. New York: Littler brown and company, 2010. Print.
This is about a newborn vamire named Bree who is trying to cooperate with the rest of the newborns she lives with. She has no clue why so many of them have been created at once and it is starting to get pretty mysterious. Diego, the older newborn vampire she is falling for, is also curiouse about the acts of their creator. None of them have even met her yet.

I have read all of the twilight saga and that gave me alot of insight about this book so i pretty much know what is going to happen to Bree in the end but so far i predict that Bree and Diego will meet their creator and she will tell them what they need to do. By what i've read so far it seems like they are creating an army so i think there is going to be a war of some sort in the future for the newborns.

Anonymous said...

Abbey V.
Friend, Natasha. LUSH. Press; New York. 2006. Print.

I Have predicted in this book that her father will become a normal father, that helps again. In this book Sam's friend decides to take her to her father's place that he's been hiding from his family because he is ashamed of himself. Sam said by the end of the book "I hope people will think that my family is one of the normal families." ( Friend 178).

Anonymous said...

Abbey V.
To: Sam B.
Sam, that book is great. I really hope you like it. If you do I think you should read " Someone Like You" by Sarah Dessen. I just started this book and I alreay like it a lot. I think you should try it, I think you'll like it.

Anonymous said...

To Abbey.V
Abbey I think this book seems realy good and when your done with it. Can i read it.

Anonymous said...

To:Michael A.
From:Austin H.

This book is based on a true story.The only real person in this book is Morris and he is the one who is having the dreams about his friends death. Also, the USS Boston is real too! That is the ship the three friends are on. Ivan is in the Air Force and protects the others from the sky. The rest are in the Navy. The time period changes because there are flash backs. It starts when Morris was in school with his friends and when they are in Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Austin H.

Lynch,Chris.I Pledge Allegiance.New York.Scholastic Inc.2011.Print.

I predict that Morris' friend, Ivan will get shot out of the sky by the enemy warheads. I also predict that Morris will think that his dream is coming true. He will regret letting his friend die and not being able to be there with him. 'Well then he gets killed until then how I see my job is I am here to see this war. And to do this I am gonna blast away, smash things, destroy things, just until we show 'em who"s boss. That's how you win a fight, by shown' 'em who's boss." (Lynch 51)

Anonymous said...

To: Jack G.
From: Austin H.

Yes, you can read this book when I am done. Mike can read it after you if he wants too!

I read your post and I think your inference is good. It sounds like what your inference is matches to what Percy said.

P.S. You didn't spell said wrong! HA HA