Tuesday, October 18, 2011


DUE DATE/TIME: WEDNESDAY, October 19th/11:59pm
1.  Always type your FIRST NAME and LAST INITIAL.  Full names will result in a DELETION of the comment and no better than a C grade.

2.  Provide me with some basic citation information about the novel you have chosen to read.  INCORRECT CAPITALZATION and PUNCTUATION will result in a C!!!

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

3. Write one well developed paragraph that describes one of the conflicts of the novel. Include one properly cited piece of evidence from the text to help you describe the conflict. Let us know if you think this is the main conflict of the book or a minor conflict. Also, let us know if this is an internal conflict (character v self) or an external conflict (character v nature, society, other character, technology).
PEER COMMENT Due by THURSDAY, 10/20 at 11:59pm

4.  You must read your classmate’s entries and make a meaningful comment on their work by THURSDAY, 10/20 at 11:59pm in order to receive an A.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Brittany I.

Robinson, M. A.. Vampire Crush. New York: Harper Coliins Books, 2010. Print.

The main conflict is that Sophie has found out something real scary. She had found out that all the new kids at her school are vampires. Then she found out that a childhood friend of her`s is also a vampire and he knows the new kids. This is very frightening to her because she was attacked by one of the vampires named Vlad. “You` re vampires” , I manage to choke out. I swear to God, I will not leave this world to a lecture by Vlad” (Robinson 122).

Anonymous said...

Michael A.

Hirsch, Jeff. The Eleventh Plague. New York: Scholastic press, 2011. Print.

The conflict in this story is an external conflict and is that so far the 11p disease is spreading fast and is destroying the United States but there are little groups of survivors. Then there is the people who capture and sell people to the wealthy people who are alive. So the main character Steve goes around with his dad and struggles to survive so they scavenge all the stuff they can find. Eventually they run into other people and live with them but in the end they get kicked out of the village and his father ends up in a comma. Towards the end the conflict gets greater and stakes get higher.” The black man’s dreadlocks were longer than the last time I’d seen him… not mercenaries slavers ” (Hirsch 216).

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Do you know why this books title is vampire crush? does she end up falling in love with vlad?

Anonymous said...

Jason K.
Somper, Justin.Vampirates Demons of the Oceans.New York:Little brown and company,2005,2005.
The main conflict is that Grace and Conner got seperated in a storm and both think the other one is dead but doesn’t give up hope.Their conflict is to get together from days of seperation."Drowning is a gentle way to die. Your sister would not have endured much pain."[Somper 50]

Anonymous said...

Jared D.

Grahame-Smith Seth. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2010. Print.

The conflict of this story is Abraham Lincoln in a fight with vampires. This is because vampires killed his grandfather, and father. "He pushed those long thumbnails, those knives, through Daddy's Adam's apple a-pop-tore his neck open through the middle" (Grahame-Smith 46) is how Seth Grahame-Smith explained Abraham Lincoln's father's death.

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
Korman, Gordon. Zoo Break. New York: Scholastic Press, 2009. Print.
The main conflict in this book is that Cleopatra the monkey is missing from her owner’s (Savannah) backyard. Her friends Ben and Griffin are helping her find the monkey; her friends took the dog and went to Cleopatra’s favorite places to go. As they were searching the dog ran off and Ben and Griffin ran after him. The dog ran back to its owner Savannah, the dog had a squashed banana in its mouth. So Cleopatra didn’t run away someone put a banana outside of Savannahs fence so they could capture her. “‘This is even worse than I thought! Cleo isn’t lost! She’s been abducted! I’ve got to update the police...’” (Korman10).

Anonymous said...

Dominique M.
To: Jared D.
I think this book is interesting and if I was Abraham Lincoln I would do the same to the Vampires. I feel bad for Abraham's father's death. They shouldn't of killed him. But I understand why he is out for revenge. Picture you're father getting killed painfully by some blood sucking beast, what would you do.

Anonymous said...

Joseph S.

Collins,Suzanne. The Hunger Games.New York: schoolastic inc,2008.print

The main conflict of this story is that Katniss, the main charictor,'s home, distric 12, is poor and slowly starving and she voliters for the Hunger Games to protect her sister so she has to fight to the death with 23 other opponits

Anonymous said...

Shawn B.
Grisham, John. Theodore Boone The Abduction. New York: Belfry Holdings, 2011. Print.
The problem is Theodore found out April was missing. He woke up and said what is going on? They said April is gone. The police asked Theodore a few questions. This is a major conflict. This is an internal conflict because April told Theodore something that he was not supposed to tell anyone. “Trouble was, Theo couldn’t tell the truth because he’d made a promise to April” (Grisham 9).

Anonymous said...

Jack G.
Collins, Suzanne. Catching Fire. New York: Scholastic Inc.,2009. Print.
The main conflict in the story is that the capital thinks that Katniss cheated in the end of the hunger games. If she can't convince all the districts that Peeta and her are in love, then all of her family and friends will be killed in an uprising. "'In several of them, however, people viewed your little trick with the berries as an act of defiance, not an act of love.'"(Collins 21)

Anonymous said...

Jason K. :to Jared D.
Why did the vampires kill them instead of just sucking blood from them?

Anonymous said...

Hannah G

Dessen, Sarah. Dreamland. Peguin group (USA) incorporated , 2000.

In my book Dreamland the conflict is that the main character catilyn's sister cass ran away from home. Caitlyn is now dating rogerson biscoe who beats her so she is scared to leave him. She hasent told anyone about her getting beat not even her bestfriend rina , becsude she dosent wanna put her family and friends tgrought anymore stress. " My sister cass ran away the morning of my sixteenth birthday " (Dessen 15). That is the conflict in this book .

Anonymous said...

Alex A
Boyne John. The Boy In Stripe Pajamas. New York. David Fickling Books.2006. print.

Im not very far in too the book but the main conflict is that Brunos family is moving. Bruno comes home the house maid rummaging through his stuff. His mom comes to Bruno and does'nt know how to tell him. Brunos family is moving because his dad gets a job. "The man who employs him asks him to go somewhere else because there's a very special job that needs doing there" (Boyne 15)

Anonymous said...

Austin H.

Lynch,Chris. Vietnam I Pledge Allegiance. Scholastic Press.New York.2011.Print.

The conflict in this story is that Morris,Rudi,and Beck are all in the middle of the Vietnam War. The three friends are on a Navy boat and are shooting warheads at the enemy. The three friends don't know what to do because they have never been trained to do the attacking part of the war. 'Because the battle is on. My task in these situations is to run up to the big gun turrets and stand by along with a bunch of other guys, ready to be running ammo up the the line. The sound of our 8"/55 guns is something beyond belief. Again, they prepared us for this, but they didn't they couldn't' (Lynch 67).

Anonymous said...

Kylie M.

Eulberg, Elizabeth. The Lonely Hearts Club. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2010. Print.

The conflict in the book, The Lonely Hearts Club, is that the main character Penny, has trouble with her love life and the boys she gets together with. Poor Penny has been lied to, cheated on, used, and ignored in her past relationships. Previously, the one man in her life which her childhood was shared, had gone out with Penny. She thought it was love while he used her. He wouldn't stop. Then when she was about to give in he breaks her heart. Now Penny has formed a Lonely Hearts Club for single girls. As the leader, Penny can't afford to fall in love. Unfortunately, it is too late. She begins her feelings for another boy, Ryan. "Diane knew! Why hadn't she given me a heads-up that Ryan was going to ask me . . . on . . . some sort of social outing"(Eulberg 139).

Anonymous said...

To: Dominique M.
From: Kylie M.

Is there anything special about this monkey, or is Cleopatra just an ordinary monkey? Why would somebody want to capture her?

Anonymous said...

joseph s

to: Austan H

If they were traind to defend then why are they attacking?

Anonymous said...

Abbey V.
To: Hannah G.

Hannah, I'm reading a book by the same author called Someone Like You. I think you should try this book because she is a great author and I think Dreamland sounds interesting, so maybe I'll read that book after I'm finished with Someone Like You.

Anonymous said...

Abbey V.

Dessen, Sarah. Someone Like You. New York: Penguin Group. 1998. Print.

The conflict in this story Someone Like You, is that there are two girls named Halley and Scarlett. One of Scarlett's closest guy friend Micheal Sherwood died in a motorcycle accident. Scarlett is extremely upset. Halley is tryingto be A good friend and help her get through this. " I need to come home, Scarlett called me to tell me, she needs me" (Dessen 9).

Anonymous said...

Jarod M.

Riordan,Rick.The Last Olympian.NewYork:HyperionBooks,2009.Print.
The main conflict in this book is that Kronos's army is very strong and Kronos plans to go to New York and to destroy olympus.

Anonymous said...

Sierra K.

Hahn, Mary Downing. Closed for the Season. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2009. Print.

The main conflict in Closed for the Season is Mrs. Donaldson was murdered in the house Logan lives in, but they don’t know who murdered her. Before she was murdered she hid money somewhere in the old amusement park called The Magic Forest. Someone that worked there tried to steal the money in a suitcase. In the suitcase was about a couple of million dollars. Now Logan, Arthur, and Violet are trying to figure out where the money is. Bear (Mrs. Donaldson’s dog) found a bag with little fairytale characters in it with a note Mrs. Donaldson was writing while she was killed. Now they have to find out where the finding game was to find the money in the suitcase which will lead into who killed Mrs. Donaldson. “‘We’ll bring it back,’ he whispered to me, ‘after Violet figures out where her mother hid the briefcase’” (Hanh 82).

Anonymous said...

Meghan F

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Press, 2008. Ink.

In my book The Hunger Games Katniss the main character is dealing with a conflict. The conflict in the book is Katniss's little sister has been chosen to be in the hunger games but Katniss takes her place knowing her little sister would not male it out alive. But now she is faced with a whole different world. She has to make shelter and hunt for food. Not only that people will be trying to kill her at all times. this is a character v society conflict. " Stay alive"(Collins 139)."Will be hunting me"(Collins 141).

Anonymous said...

From: Meghan F
To:Abbey V

I have read that book. The book gets even more interesting and you will not believe what happens next. I thought it was so sad.

Anonymous said...

Ashley W.

Curtis,Christopher Paul.Bud, Not Buddy. Cydeny Mckenzie Curtis. 1999

In my story Bud Not Buddy the main conflict was when bud just got into his new foster home and the boy that was living in the house is name is Tod and he woke up Bud when he was sleeping and put a pencil up his nose and made his nose bleed and he was beating him up and then he smacked Tod in the face then Tod's mom walked in and asked what happend and Tod said a whole bunch of lies saying that he was trying to help Bud by waking him up to make sure he went to the bathroom so he wouldn't wet his bed and then he said Bud slapped him in the face but he really didn't and Tod's mom belived Tod not Bud and then but got in trouble and had to apologize to both the mom and dad and Tod and had to sleep in the shed when it should be Tod getting in trouble instead of Bud.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

To: Abbey V
From: Hannah G

Abbey , the book that you are reading sounds very interesting and i think that i might read it next . Both of our books are by sarah dessen and she is an amazing author so the book must be good .

Anonymous said...

Joshua. C
Collins, Suzanne, Catching Fire. New York, Scholastic inc. 2009
The conflict in the book is the seventy-fifth annual Hunger games is going to happen but it is Katniss against Peeta again but this time there fighting to keep each other alive. But the rules still have not changed there must only be one survivor and Katniss is determined that the only survivor is going to be Peeta. She is determined that once it is her against Peeta she is going to kill herself creating a revolt against the capital. “if you die I live if I die you live there is no life for me back at district 12”.

Anonymous said...

Atalia R

Carter, Ally. don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover. New York: scholastic inc.,2009. Print.

The conflict of this story is that the main character Cammie and Macey are important people. Cammie is a spy who protects Macey because Macey is the daughter of a senator. When these friends are caught in a situation by themselves on a rooftop with two kidnappers after them they become injured but they escaped. This problem is eventually solved to find out what happened you'll need to read this adventurous story.

Anonymous said...

To: Jack G.
From: Brittany I.

I hope you like the book so far. I have read the Hunger Games. It` s a good book if you like action and science fiction. I loved this book. You have to read all three books.

Anonymous said...

To: Michal
From: Brittany I.

It`s called vampire crush because Sophie falls in love with James, not Vlad.

Anonymous said...

Alex A
To: Atalia R

How did they escape? How did they get injured? Is this book modern day with lots of technology?

Anonymous said...

To:Jack G
From: Joshua C
This book is realy good and when you finish it you should be very hooked.